Unbridled Storm Lord no Longer Spawning

I agree, but I have seen so many “git gud” comments on here and wowhead. That’s why I prefaced my comment the way I did.

In the past pre-expac events with all the rewards were doable in a couple days…I know this game (and life) is rarely fair, but this isn’t right. And leaves me going into DF with more skepticism.


lol, yeah dude…like sorry for having a job and a family and not being able to farm the RNG BS for 2-weeks straight.


What a mature and honest point of view from someone who already has the trinket. Most of the time they turn into instant gatekeepers. It’s the strangest/worst thing in this game, i.e., MT Druid mogs.

yes all America realms have the same spawns

Oh dang, why did you have to go and kick that hornet’s nest over… lol

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How can we expect to do everything in the last few days when one of the mobs hasn’t spawned in over five days?

Stayed up all night and no spawn. Just something from dev team would be nice.


at this point, it is what it is, right? I’ve logged bug reports in game, posted to forums, done all the things they tell us to do to get their attention when we encounter an issue like this. Gonna go grab some lunch and make a wish that the final rotation brings us what we all are looking for!

same i set an alarm for every three hours

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Sorry I didn’t fully explain my point. It is reasonable (if bug wasn’t here) to expect to be able to finish the whole event in a few days. Some people seem to be saying those of you who are currently unable to complete the event deserve this for waiting to the last few days. What I was saying was only that I disagree with that opinion.


Most of us got the point. It’s refreshing to see someone agree and that probably took some folks off guard


It’s not that people waited for the last few days. I haven’t personally seen it the entire event. I started then purposely waiting for it since actually last Wednesday morning and it’s now Monday afternoon and I haven’t seen it once.

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I am having the same problem. I have been camping them and logging in to check. It is usually one Fire, Water, Earth. I have not seen a Storm in days (if ever) and I have leveled three alts through this.

Definitely broken, on top of the fact that I have not seen even an official response from Blizz is disconcerting for the direction of this expansion.

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Right. It’s appeared only about twenty times over the last few weeks, which is about a hundred fewer times than each of the others.

Just to add my voice. I play on Ysera and Ravencrest.
I saw one Wind storm on the first day playing. No Wind drop.
I got gear for my 3 allies and 3 horde.
I have a backpack full of Ice, Stone and Fire.
I was online for the past three days checking every 2 hours for the Wind invasion and none appeared.

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spawning less is fine but not spawning at all for almost a week is a different story


Yeah, its kind of annoying… I want to get achievement before Dragonflight starts :frowning:


I’ve had Storms pop up on Feathermoon once or twice during the first 2 days. Got the achievement on my toon there. I ignored it until this Saturday on Elune. Since 11/26… there has not been one Primal Storm spawn since 11/26…

What the hell is wrong with you people at Blizzard?


Have had zero luck myself, been staking out for when it spawns on MoonGuard the last two days. If it ever spawned, I missed it which really sucks. Levelled a few alts through this and have been sitting on stones for a while. Really frustrated about this.

Same, no luck been checking every single reset. Please fix this, or put a vendor that gives us the dimmed storm item. TY