It is a legion artifact quest that wont let me complete it! I have contacted blizz and all they told me to do was to got to support and report a bug but with how the new reporting system is is nearly impossible! It is sad that I can get a legit answer to fix my problem! I have done everything I could think of to fix it on my end and still nothing!
You can add to the bug report thread I found here to report it. (Or more accurately post that it’s still an issue, given the age of the thread.)
You might want to try another ticket saying it’s a known bug and linking to that thread. It might increase the odds they’ll advance the quest for you.
This bug has existed for more than a month, and still don’t get fixed by blizzard. I tried to report this to GM, hoping that they can help me to skip the quest. But they told me just wait for a later patcher, as the bug is scheduled to be fixed by the developers. So just wait for hotfixes. Btw, don’t get what does “a later patcher” mean, the next coming patcher, or 10.1.5?