Unbound Guild {H/A} Recruiting for Friday night's raid and nightly keys!

Well that done. Now 4/9H


grats guys

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Yes we are now 4/9H. Come join us for fun and maybe Orcc will sing for you in discord!

Handee, why does it still say you are in Epic?

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Come join in the fun, great people and lots of variety in events.

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Looking for more to join us. We are looking for raiders and social active members. We would love to have a dps warrior join us. All classes currently open.

Unbound does more than just raid.

We recently completed Glory of the Argus raid and many of our members are riding around on their new mounts. We schedule Glory achievements every Sunday.

If you have any questions, please contact me or anyone in the guild.
Btag: Raventoo#1813

What mounts came from Glory of the Argus raider again? I don’t remember.


You will receive:

Antoran Gloomhound


the gloomhound and charhound are two awesome looking mounts;
and of course I have neither

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Just completed Crucible of Storms 2/2N. Back to Heroic BoD tomorrow night.


Congrats! Is it fun? I haven’t been yet.

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It is pretty hectic. Lots of running around and switching targets. We had fun.

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its different thats for sure
its very logistical in the way things have to happen but a decent filler raid

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https://www.wowprogress.com/character/us/thrall/Alaborn i saw this guy was looking for weekends.

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Added you had a few questions. Westeel


Hiya Pabsts. I should be on tonight and most of tomorrow. I look forward to talking to you.

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We are still recruiting! You want to DPS, heal, or something else? Send Raven a message!

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Looking for raiders, dungeon dwellers and social players. We raid Fri/Sat nights 8-1030pm EST. Currently 9/9N, 5/9H.

We are casual raiders that like to have fun.


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still looking for members?

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We are! We especially need dps. I will be online tomorrow. Or you can whisper anyone online in the guild for more info or a guild invite.

Sent you a friend request, a buddy and I are looking for a inclusive and friendly home.

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