Unbound Changeling myhic trinket bug

Unbound Changeling: 184ilvl trinket that says it gives chance on hit 231 haste, but the tool tip and amount it actually gives when i check my stats is 116. This is a big bug issue because a lot of people will be looking to get this trinket before raid.


I have the same issue with my ilvl 116 from normal levelling. It claims to give 121 haste proc, actually gives 60 (buff tooltip and actual stats)

(edit: clarity)

bumping for awareness, having the same issue 11/30/2020

I got the heroic version of this trinket. Description is definitely wrong. On resto spec it rarely procs and gives 102 haste (description says 205 haste). The strangest thing happens when I switch to Feral and equip agility trinkets, Unbound Changeling procs more often unequipped and gives 83 haste

I also having the same problem…it gives out 116 haste instead of the max value where stated at the tooltip…looking forward for the fix because this is one of the best trinket for my warlock

i have the 184 mythic, except instead of haste, its crit. didn’t know there was a crit option. im a shadow priest, but when i change the loot to other specs, its all only haste. and that goes for other classes as well. when it procs i get 231 crit instead of haste… quite odd…


Mine doesnt work at all. Cannot get it to proc.

Mine has yet to proc, had it for several days now.

Have the same thing crit instead of haste. When I picked it up it was mastery, the next day I saw it actually changed in the chat box from mastery to crit. I was eating crit food at the time and thought that’s why it changed. The tooltip says he stares at you while you eat so I tried haste food and nope that didn’t do anything. Wonder how many others have crit.

Changed back to mastery. /shrug
Wonder if it’s just a randomly changing trinket. I noticed the tool tip says more than it actually gives.

If you eat +30 buff food, it will change once a day to that food. crit/mastery/haste. That part’s not a bug.

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