UNBELIEVABLE. WOW Technical Support Wants me to report THEIR BUGS, but here goes

I wasn’t able to replicate the issue where the sewer doors are locked after releasing, though I only tried once. I was actually prevented from using hearthstone or garrison hearthstone in dalaran but was able to astral recall to escape. I was still able to successfully return by teleporting to Azsuna and flying back.

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From GM:

Dear Elliot, We have received several reports of this issue and are currently investigating it, so worry not! Our developers are aware of the situation and are currently working on a fix to be implemented as soon as possible, I personally apologize for the inconvenience that this situation might have caused, I’d kindly ask you to wait, and we thank you deeply for your patience.

I’ve already told you that they are referring to the door. There’s no known issue causing someone to go into northrend dalaran by clicking azsuna



No, it also refers to the timeline issue. I didn’t post the whole message as it is quite large.

Could you PLEASE do me a favor and quit posting on this thread? You are just muddying the waters and making it more difficult. PLEASE. STOP. POSTING.

Thank you.

Go through the right portal

I can assure you, there is no muddying of the waters more than your claim that you took the portal to Azsuna and wound up in Northrend Dalaran.

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Have you gone to the Chamber of the Guardian in Legion Dalaran to reclaim the quest. That should be all you need to do. Please note this is not the Violet Citadel where Khadgar usually resided.

The GM is simply referring to the Sewer door not unlocking. That is a known issue. There are numerous workarounds to get back on track but we really believe you are just getting them confused/not doing them properly.

Khadgar will teleport you back to Anduin to reclaim the quest. You don’t actually pick the quest back up at khadgar.

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