A social raiding guild playing together on Faerlina since day one of Classic, where we’ve cleared all content pre-nerf. We are currently home to three ten-man Cata teams, a SoD raid, and are currently building our roster for a 25-man Cata team. Currently running some 10mans while we wait for roster to fill, but hoping to start getting into full 25man runs by next lockout!
“Normal When?”— Thursday 8:30pm- 11:30 ST
A dad-core raid focused on efficient clears with some fun and banter. We’re a close-knit group who likes to pump, but speed clearing and parsing are not our focus. This is a two night commitment with Thursday running for 3 hours and Sunday running for 2 (will push to 3 if people are feeling it)
Demo Lock
Disc Priest
Feral and Balance Druid
Resto Sham
Unholy DK
-Loot: MS > OS with light Loot Council. Our team uses transparent Loot Councils where loot priority is based on the usual factors of class bis, performance, attendance, etc. We’ve been doing loot for a long time and like to think we’ve gotten pretty good at it. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!
Warcraft Logs
(can’t link here, but will provide upon request, or can be seen in faerlina discord server)
If interested, feel free to reach on discord @stiver32