Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks) ban

Hello all,

Wondering if anyone’s gotten this report before? Started playing the anniversary realms like a lot of you but I’ve never come across this report before. I’ve been playing more hours than I usually do but never had any any unauthorized programs before. Could this be from a mass report?

Auto clicker in BG? Ive gotten several of these and if your appeal doesnt go thru odds are you were using sometime of 3rd party application even if it just stopped you from afking is perma bannable.

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no, i have never been banned for this before :expressionless:

This is on fresh realms. I have just been leveling. The only thing I can think of is my VPN? That’s the only other program that is running on my PC

Def not your vpn. I use to actively bot/lvl with bots on diff accounts. BLizz only bans accounts TOS will still allow you to make 100 more accounts and they cant get banned unless 3rd party…

Not tryna gaslight u but in these scenarios i say appeal or sorry gg. Its just like hearing someone in jail saying IM INNOCNENT xD. GL bans suck especially cause lvling sucks even more. gl

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I DIDN’T HACK I SWEAR :expressionless:

ok we get it you hate 3rd party applications that farm everything and do all the grunt work nobody wantys too. Imagine 1000g pots w.o bots. i love bots never used it for profit but sure as hell lowered prices on the ah by 10x and leveled multiple alts vs repeating the same pain just to raid on it weekly.

W.o bots players manipulate the AH market

i don’t want your dirty potions on the market, even if it means i’m missing out on lower prices :expressionless: play the game fair

Hey write a blizzard post everyday about their pay to play system they advertise vs the non advertised cheaper version. If you got an issue with pay to play. why are you supporting blizzard?!?!? WHy are you subscribed? WHY ARE YOU HERE. smALL MInded hypocrits drive me insane