Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I am 99% sure at this point that Classic will become an abomination some months after launch. There is no way Activision won’t try to profit from it. If we see the unarmored mounts in a store I wouldn’t be surprised.


You know, to be perfectly honest, I don’t remember if they had the Cloth Rep quests in game, but I do remember that they still had the AQ War event turn in mobs available. Not the twenty or so mobs associated with the event, but the commendation turn in ones for rep after the event ended. I reported it the first week of beta, and it was still in game the last week of beta, so I don’t know if they planned to leave it in, or were planning on doing a lot of the housekeeping type changes to the beta client after it ended. I reported a number of floating herb nodes that didn’t change at all while beta was live, but who knows, maybe they’re going to leave those in since they are authentic :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, that would officially be my un-subscription. I can handle them not being in Classic, but that introduction would uggh lets not even talk about it. LOL

I’m, pretty blunt… at what point was 100million x60$, and 11million x15$ a month not enough for you guys… I understand inflation, I could accept 25$ a month.(I know others wouldn’t) You guys lost your grit along the way.

Suprise your fans with unknown implementation and removal of these mounts that many never got to experience.

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I have changed my mind.

Yes, they should add unarmored mounts to Classic.

As micro-transactions in the Blizz Store, and that should the be ONLY way they are obtainable. Buying them should give them to your characters in Classic & Retail.

No. Or in Spanish, no.


Hi Fesz, we missed you. 1/10 for your level 111 character.

No Unarmored mounts > Cash shop

Nein, non, nihil, het, or NO.


remember that one time blizzard deleted the thread with over a thousand posts and continue to ignore the second thread made?


I don’t remember the specifics, it was mixed in with all the other information we got shortly before the beta began. It may have specifically been in reference to the loot tables updating with the 1.10 content phase, but I’m honestly not sure anymore.

LOL! Funny that you think I’m Fesz. He and I disagree on almost every point when it comes to Classic.

Originally I didn’t want them in game because certain posters that constantly attacked me wanted them, and I didn’t want them to get what they wanted.

Now, I think they should get what they wanted, but only in Blizzard store form, since that would make them more upset than them not being in at all.

I love seeing my enemies upset. It is glorious.

Although I disagree with Fesz on this issue, I don’t find him completely vindictive and petty.
Fallanna on the other hand is. He’s the kind of person you’d hate to be in a guild with. :confused:

FOR THE :ram: :racehorse: :tiger2: :ram: :racehorse: :tiger2: !


Actually, it’s the whiners complaining about not being given the mounts that are the ones you’d hate to be in a guild with.

But thanks for harassing me and giving me a reason to flag your post.

Been a while since I had to use my flag button. It needed a workout.

Sone people simply see all those other players in an MMO as nothing but obstacles in their way.

They likely know their behavior will be less than desirable and will earn them a well deserved bad reputation. They likely plan to “protect” themselves by using RCR with an itchy trigger finger attached to a very heavy hand to silence anyone that dares to advise other players of their behavior.


Whether or not you are Fesz, its more likely that a troll would talk with themselves then it would be for him to stay on topic.

Report me, if you’re cut from me pointing out your nature, have at it. It was still on topic.

Why do you think mounts should be purchased instead of earned? Cash shop is why gold in retail is next to worthless.

people against an authentic classic experience don’t belong on classic wow. add the darn mounts .


:two_hearts: U 2 Fallanaa :wink:

We live in an age of overly sensitive people today (mostly generational as this was never an issue in my years of “growing up”) that may not understand the internet is not always a “safe place” where opinions and expressions are freely given.

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It’s simple.

People that have attacked and harassed me want the mounts in the game obtainable by gold.

That would make them happy.

The mounts only being obtainable from the cash shop would make them unhappy, which would in-turn, make me happy.

People that harass and attack me don’t deserve to be happy or get what they want. Therefore, I say make them cash shop only, or don’t add them at all. :slight_smile:

That’s interesting, good to see that your opinion doesn’t have any substance. How about those that haven’t “attacked” you? It might be news to you, but not many players that want the mounts in their vanilla like form have “attacked” you.

Found this gem in the another thread regarding [Reconsider cross platform achievements]; Perhaps this is why Ythinsen is no longer our community manager, and why Kaivax locks up all his responses. Wish I knew how to make the quote blue lol.

"Like it was stated at BlizzCon there will be no crossover in rewards between Retail WoW and Classic WoW. I don’t think there is any need to change that stance but I appreciate the post OP.

I think its fair to ask for an opportunity to earn those rewards again however I don’t think it should come at the cost of diminishing the rewards that players earned years ago and cherish. I think the opportunity to earn and have them exclusively on Classic is fair because its staying on Classic itself. I think any more crossover than that could be damaging and lessen the value or prestige of those rewards.

It’s a pretty solid philosophy at the moment that there will be zero crossover of rewards."

We miss you Ythinsen, hope to see you in Classic!


Expect everything from today’s Blizzard. No communication with the fans, just greedy company. All the senior members left. No one is left that made the company what it is today. Maybe Jeff Kaplan, but he won’t last either.

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