Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I really feel this sentiment right here.

Back in the day, through a series of strange and unforeseeable events, I ended up being the first person on my server to get Quel’Serrar. As a Tauren, the thing was just huge! No other weapon at the time was as ridiculous, with the exception of Thunderfury, and later Zin’Rokh. People would send me tells all the time asking where I’d got it from to the point that I had to make a macro for it. Much later, the drop rate was increased dramatically. It didn’t reduce how special it was to me, but it was silly now, seeing nearly every raiding warrior with one.

The same thing happened with Armor sets. Having to raid every single week to get your tier pieces made everything feel more worthwhile when it finally dropped. It took me 4 months of raiding before my T2 pants finally dropped, and I felt freaking epic once my entire set matched. Then, with tokens, it felt like every raid was just a mediocre paycheck you had to save up to get the item you really wanted from the store. Same with PVP every week. Everything looked epic and had particle effects and outrageous features that were extremely unrealistic. There was no in between. There was nothing that made your character feel unique anymore, you were just another glittering mass of particle effects amidst the rest of them.

And then it happened with mounts, talent revamps, changing hunters from mana to energy, transmog, etc.

I haven’t played since Wrath, really. Sure, I leveled through Cata, but you know what, I don’t remember a damn thing about it.

All in all, by the time I quit, it was because playing my character no longer felt like it was MY character. I could race chance, sex change, I could level from 1-max with almost no effort, never needed to actually interact with people or make lasting friends. There was nothing left, no major decisions that determined what my character would be like moving forward.

This all relates to this topic because the mount you rode in Vanilla was just one part of what made your character feel like part of you. Most people only had one because they were so expensive. You could recognize your friends from across town when you saw the right mount/armor. The guys crazy enough to grind faction for a mount that wasn’t their races stood out! It gave WoW the flavor that IMO it seriously lacks right now.


This is something I can’t understand. Classic mounts don’t get added to the retail collection. If they have the unarmored mount in retail they can’t use it in Classic. How would they be able to show off and stuff in Classic? Showing off in retail is fine and dandy but many of us don’t even play there.
Perhaps you know the explanation, cause it seems silly imo


Perhaps I should have been clearer. I’ll try it again and try to be clearer.

We’ve seen multiple people that want those mounts to be in classic for a short, limited time so that once those mounts are removed they can stroke their e-peens when showing off those no longer available in Classic mounts.

As I said, Blizzard is in a situation in which they cannot make everyone happy. Some plauers will be disappointed if the mounts are not in Classic.
Some players will be disappointed if the mounts are available for a limited time and they miss out. Some people will be disappointed if the mounts are added permanently and therefore have no exclusivity.

Two of those three options would seem to require changing the code and/or database, but only one requires no changes to the code and/or database.

Unless I am mistaken, potentially opening Pandora’s box by changing the code and/or database is something that Blizzard said they did not want to do.

It still comes down to philosophy, their current philosophy is a damaging one. In my opinion, they’ve chosen poorly. With reason and evidence, its pretty clear that the majority want nice things, while the minority quite frankly don’t want to work for them and will stop at nothing to see that the opposition don’t get what they want.

Don’t worry though, on August 28 I’ll be here so you can say I told you so. If that makes you feel better.

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/sarcasm on

Because 500 signatures and 2 dozen posters is clearly the majority of the hundreds of thousands of potential Classic players.

/sarcasm off

They might have mentioned the coding issues if there were actually any. I find it hard to believe that this is an issue when they are managing to manipulate gearing to match their patches /content phases. This is a multimillion company.
Someone brought up speculation on this “coding issues” and suddenly it’s being parroted.
The only statement they have given is they want to prevent the rush mentality.
IDC if the mounts would be limited, not everyone can have everything. This philosophy is exactly how we have arrived to where we are in retail.
Thanks for clarifying your viewpoint .


Not having the mounts in the game also falls under “not everyone can have everything”, IMO.

Possibly so, in your eyes. To me it it’s more like no one can have it at all because someone will be upset.


I don’t care about exclusivity or epeens myself. I’d like unarmored epic mount options, I never cared for armored ones, the original ones are so much nicer as armor ruins them IMO, and my cow will already be pretty limited on choices as it is


They don’t have to change anything. The code exists even in BfA. Your morbid view is duly noted.


Can those mounts be purchased from the vendors in BFA? Could those mounts be purchased from the vendors in 1.12?

If not, then something has to be changed in order for those mounts to be able to be purchased from the vendors.

It’s literally a few lines of code to block them. I volunteer for those services for free if they are too busy to do it themselves to please their fans. :slight_smile:


But didn’t you just say that don’t have to change anything?

You weren’t being less than honest in an effort to further your goal of obtaining your desired shiny, were you?

As for the “few lines of code”, even a single line of code change has the potential to cause unforseen consequences.

Unless I am. mkistaken, Blizzard did say they did want to potentially open Pandora’s box by making changes to the code.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I have seen posts claiming things like “It’s not a change. It’s an addition.” or “It’s only a few lines of code.” in an effort to see their pet desire in Classic.

You’re twisting my words now. I meant it’s not a change within Vanilla. They made hundreds of thousands of changes to get from Legion client downport to Classic. Not including the mounts is a conscious choice which would not take any development time away from other stuff.


How am I twisting your words?

Allow me to quote you:

I specifically talked about Blizzard changing the code and/or database and you responded that Blizzard didn’t need to change anything.

I never mentioned a change within vanilla.

You weren’t being less than honest in a vain attempt to save face, were You?

Yes, the code exist. If you knew even a single thing about coding you would know what I mean. It literally takes no effort to put the mounts back in the vendors.

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It still requires changing the code and/or database and potentially opening Pandora’s box.

That is something that Blizzard has said they do both want to do.

It existed in Vanilla so it won’t open any Pandora’s box.

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Any time code and/or database is changed, there is a potential that Pandora’s box will be opened and there will be unintended and unforeseen consequences.

That is the Pandora’s box about which I and Blizzard were speaking.

Last word Andy, pushing the threads numbers up. I support your continued support to the thread. Your dopamine levels must be through the roof today.

Are you even going to play Classic? I see that you’ve only played retail far enough to get your fix.

Do you want unarmored mounts in the game? Are you just here to defend Acti-blizz?

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