Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

Well, let’s see.

Would someone be more upset with the fact that the mounts were included in the game for 1-2-3 phases or would people be more upset by the fact they were not included at all?

I am sure some people (like the 3 frequent posters in this thread) would be upset because they don’t like to see other people experience any sort of happiness when it’s not part of their own desires.


Your request has already been denied. You are just repeating the same song and you don’t expect the same answers? Please.

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I feel you on this. I wasnt really rooting for them either way i kinda just expected them to be in like I expected to have a better av patch. Boy was I wrong lol. I dont know how many other people assumed the same and are happy, unhappy or just dont care but I think the ones that wanted them or didnt care would out number those that would be salty. If they had just put them in without saying anything i dont think there would have been as big of a deal made of it. But i could be wrong there too.


What would you like us to discuss cluck? Make us a list of cluckadin approved topics so we dont veer off from the right path and anger you again dear leader.


So if its a lost cause and just an echo chamber and theres no chance of them caving on this then why do you care? Seems like your only reason to be here would be to i dont know what do they call it? “troll” I think.


Exactly, this topic can be discussed in a civil manner because its not really that controversial. The toxicity comes in when people start to accuse others of being lesser beings because they want an item that person doesn’t care about. You guys are obviously EXTREMELY passionate about these mounts and you do NOT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY want them in the game… we get it, we just don’t care, and we remain unconvinced.

I am totally open to being convinced these should not be in the game. Not a single person has brought up a single valid point against them being implemented.

so far the list of PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE are…

Some dude who has literally been here for a month

Some dude who wants transmog implemented into classic

Some dude who has less than 50 posts and is likely an alt of one of the other two people in here that disagree.


It’s a tough call for sure.
Authentic or unauthentic? My feelings on this are it wouldn’t feel authentic if we don’t see them around at all. We’ve already ventured out of the completely authentic zone as well here.
Then we need to consider their reasoning. Many people do have self restraint issues. Some people have limited time to allot to playing.
I’d advocate for putting them in indefinitely rather than not at all because of these reasonings.
Just my opinion and I’m sure it’s met with disagreement.


Yeah, I really don’t know how they can handle this situation at all… It’s one of those situations where they’re totally screwed no matter how they handle it.

Put them in for the “authentic” time period and it will piss people off.

Put them in for the entire lifetime of Classic WoW and it will piss people off.

Don’t put them in at all and it will piss people off.

There is no good way to fix this at all ever, and I kinda guess they just picked what they felt was least bad…

Threads keep disappearing. I just wanted to say I support these mount


There are plenty of people I respectfully disagree with in this thread, and I have explained that I am actually far less opposed to the mounts if they were to go in permanently.

You’re the hypocrite who is trying to tear down my opinion by attacking my other opinions. If you want to stop people from coming into the thread and hurling ad hominem attacks and treating people like lesser beings, maybe try practicing what you preach. Just because I have some opinions you disagree with does not mean I’m an idiot who can’t be right in some cases and wrong in others.


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I don’t have a horse in this race (pun intended), as I don’t really care which mounts we get in Classic, but I support those who would like at least the opportunity.

Unarmored mounts in Classic!

… Also, high elves in Retail!


I wasn’t calling you an idiot, and I never have. I don’t think you are an idiot. You wanting transmog in classic is wrong, it goes against everything that the project is about. In my opinion, it invalidates your opinion about anything classic related.

Deleting threads is absolutely pure 100% moderation fail of the worst kind…

If there’s an offending post, edit/delete that.

Some moderator should have their moderating privileges deleted.

and sure… Unarmored mounts! No good reason not to have them for awhile. The stated reason is bunk. If someone wants to rush for it or anything else, let them. Some people are going to rush for all sorts of things. It’s just their nature to do so.

And Phase 1 should last a good number of months… so there really shouldn’t be a need to rush for an unarmored mount…


Which is essentially you calling me an idiot. Oh hey look, this person has an opinion I think is stupid, therefore he’s not smart enough to have any other opinions that are valid.

The only thing that matters is my argument for this specific issue.

The reason Blizzard isn’t going to buy this line of reasoning is because as game designers they are going to consider how much people will want something before they add something to the game. If you want to make an RPG where people will choose different paths, then the paths need to be somewhat equal in terms of reward. If you add in a limited time reward to Vanilla, which doesn’t really have widely accessible limited time rewards, you are making the mounts super, super valuable and thus putting too much weight on that one reward.

If they go in, they need to go in permanently. I am starting to think this wouldn’t be such a bad compromise, but I think the #nochangers would have a fit. Is it really such a big issue if the mount vendors sell the original mounts and the swifts?

For some yes, heck I’m married to one :slight_smile: The idea is that you need a firm line to work from otherwise chaos will ensue with suggested changes and there isn’t a firm rule to keep things in check. I think this is where the disagreements usually stem from in one form or another.

I personally think no changes is a nice idea but hard to do because WE have changed. We know what’s coming, what to stockpile for consumables, gear, etc for future content and that alone will effect the economy for certain things in a way they did not in the old days.

I would far rather we find a compromise where change is acceptable so long as the proposed changes were a part of vanilla, and the debate can go from there.

Personally, I would have liked to relive the limited edition situation of the mounts but that’s because it was my experience. I am FINE with a permanent situation, its not true to my time in WoW but I really don’t think this version of the game will get us back there anyway.

I’m just glad (and frankly surprised) they gave us classic since that is more important than any other consideration.


There’s still time to save the lvl60 unarmored mounts! I do appreciate the honorable debating though I have yet to be swayed by any argument ( especially the one Blizz gave ) that lvl60 unarmored mounts should be available to no one in Classic. I can’t just unsee them and forget they are a part of WoW.


Our spam friends seem to have calmed down. It’s really quiet in this thread now and they were saying it wouldn’t be quiet if they stopped. :relaxed:


Bumping (and screenshotting my posts in case this thread disappears too, eep).


I sure do hope it doesnt get to be too much of an echo in here guys lol i wouldn’t want anybody to get all bent out of shape about it


There have been arguments? I haven’t seen any. I’ve seen some meaningless hair splitting over version iterations, but I have not seen anyone come forward with a some sort of reasoning as to how the unarmed mounts are either a non-classic change, or are harmful in some way.