You complain all the time about trolls bro just because you dont like what they say dont act all high and mighty you should be the first banned how about that. I wouldnt abuse the flag system sense I am consistant and dont believe it is even handed.
The people that have been called trolls are the ones that dont care about the mounts but instead argue for the sake of it because they didnt get the change they wanted so now they want to be disruptive and get “revenge” by using the same language and tactics used against them. Thats salty trolling 101.
Also as per the mounts they have said nothing about them being place holders or anything of the sort as the reasoning for not including them you’re putting that into their mouths.
Do you not feel that calling people trolls and calling for people to be permanently banned is more off topic and destructive to the community than people disagreeing with you?
If someone is at least making an attempt to argue I think you need to at least give them the benefit of the doubt as to their intentions. You’re never going to truly know as intentions are not easily ascertained on an online forum, but at least people won’t take you as someone who argues by personal attack and who sticks to the topic. Setting an example so to speak.
The issue is the magnitude of the perk. Say I am a new player. I will rank all of my motivations internally to decide how I want to level. I may give some weight to doing dungeons, I may give some weight to professions, etc. The problem is that a limited time reward carries too much weight. It unbalances people’s motivations to be lopsided towards one goal.
His post will get removed if enough people report it for the moderators to take notice. Even I haven’t reported his posts. Because he’s been doing it for a while now, but he is not the only one.
There are a number of people on here who don’t give a damn about cosmetics, both in the pro and against camps, and they will not have this motivation imbalance to the degree you are saying.
I think you speak for yourself and those who care about appearances (since you are pro transmog I assume I can say this? I care about appearance to some degree as well, else I would not be here). I get it, as you said you have a young child and this particular cosmetic item may not be doable for you. However it feels rather graceless to in essence, say that you don’t want it around for anyone else because you could never have it. I apologise if this is not what you intend to say but it is coming off that way.
As to whether it imbalances desires of playstyle, how is this a problem when people have weighed their options and decided they would LOVE to go for it?
Bump. I want unarmored mounts as an option. That includes the white mechano and if undead really want unarmored epic mounts that works too. If anything existed at all during the lifespan of vanilla It deserves the possibility of being in Classic. No I do not want tmogs or anything like that. I hate retail. I just loved everything about vanilla…like the unarmored mounts…I love those.
Sorry to say but It’s not how it works. Atleast It doesn’t seem to be for wow.
1.12.1 the .1 could be just a few bug fixes and then not really make much of a difference from 1.12.0 but if u look at the
Then with the amount of changes we can say it is more than just a few bug fixes, making 1.12.1 an important distinguish from 1.12.0
That would be you the player making that decision. Its not forced in any way. The fact that there are 100s of threads on the best ways to speed level and that people in this forum are always talking about the fastest way to level seems to me that unarmored mounts wouldn’t impact as many people as you might think. The carrot is already herding people there. The advantage of leveling quick and getting bis gear to set yourself up for raiding ect is the biggest carrot there is. The economy being altered is a better argument since no one knows how that would play out. I could see those arguments swaying me.
Also vakul the carrots and sticks dont matter unless they sway you personally and what you do with that should only apply to you. Make your decision on whats best for yourself. Speed or or slow but steady. It shouldn’t be up to you or blizzard what carrots and sticks should or shouldn’t be there. They f’ed up wow when they had the chance to decide whats good or better for the game. I don’t trust their judgment on whats fun or how i should feel about speed leveling or whatever. Just give us the game that was made 14 years ago by actual competent people. If you or they made arguments that made sense as far as gameplay or whatever fine or say hey were broke we cant do more than this i get that but saying but blizz said they dont think it would be good to speed level doesnt hold water bro im sorry.
The primary argument that Blizzard is using is really outside of the mounts - other than the fact that they are visible items. The issue here is something Eloraell already hit upon:
Ultimately the scarcity introduced by making these limited time over however long Classic will be around for makes these essentially on par with some very serious end game rewards. The only limited time reward that seems to be going into the game right now is the Scarab Lord title and mount. Adding in these as limited time rewards would make them unreasonably valuable to the point that anyone who isn’t going to get them is making a pretty big sacrifice. You’ll be out of what will be one of the only remove items from the game, forever. Not only that, but limited time items that are actually achievable without having a guild behind you.
A suggestion to Fonzie to maybe edit the thread name from “New Unarmored Mounts Megathread” to “Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0” or something like that? Just so that people don’t get confused by the title as a suggestion to add some sort of different versions of the unarmored mounts in case they don’t like to read OP.
Then leave them in for good. Problem solved. If people really want them purely for the look and not because of the rarity they wont mind.
I have seen you make this argument “they look like the slower mounts wont that effect people thinking its the slower mounts” or something to that effect and which is really just you trying to back door an argument for transmog thats pretty obvious. To that argument I counter with that only effects pvp and the mounts are unique in color so that shouldnt be a problem also a pvper that knows what gear his opponent has on by look across the battlefield will be able to tell what type of mount he has.
And look i get it transmog alone wouldnt ruin classic. Im sympathetic. But lets not let a seperate thing make this issue more complicated than it needs to be.