Unacceptable Levels of World Lag

The amount of lag in the open world is pathetic really. 60 ping but well over a second of input and loot response lag any time you’re in Nazmir or Tirigarde Sound. Sharding was supposed to help this, but it hasn’t. Dungeons and raids are fine, but the World of World of Warcraft is unplayable. What’s the deal? Do you just want us to quit so your servers can handle the load?


When my ping is 65ms and I’m getting lag, I know it’s the servers, yet ppl insist it’s my internet.


It is a little laggy tonight.

Seriously… I’ve been having lag all weekend but I was really only playing between bouts of prepping for the Holiday… But the holiday is coming up and I would like to play something that is responsive. While the overall lag isn’t bad, the packet loss between Blizzard and I from their Level 3 provider is unacceptable.

Can you guys PLEASE have your IT guys call their IT guys and have someone check please? I mean seriously.



Agreed, I try to avoid doing any wqs in Tiragarde Sound if possible because the world lag there drives me insane

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Y’all know there’s a technical support forum, right? Where the actual IT guys are?

Guys guys please you have to understand Blizzard is trying to cut cost and saving money here.


This has been an issue for me, especially during primetime, in all BFA zones since the expansion launched.

Doesn’t matter what datacenter the server I play on is located in; the response times I experience for commands do not in any way match my displayed home and world pings.

Oh, I was wondering why my DH was lagging in Tiragarde Sound earlier.

Not sure how this is relevant. It’s not a tech support issue when multiple people are experiencing it with incredibly different setups but proven-to-be-stable connections. The fact that it only happens in BFA zones (for me at least) further proves that there is something environmental at play that isn’t related my own setup.


Because the blues who staff the Technical Support forum and gather data there can forward this type of thing upward when it’s determined to be a serverside issue through diagnostics.

This isn’t exactly a complicated leap of logic.

Was this necessary? Honestly.

It’s tough to believe that process gets followed given how long the issue has existed for Oceanic players since launch without a fix.

Was this?

I wasn’t aware this thread was about Oceanic players specifically – where’s that called out? None of the people thus far in this thread are even on Oceanic realms.

It was an example of another issue that has received far more player attention but hasn’t followed the process you’ve outlined. The issue, while extremely similar, was not implied to be the issue.

I imagine this is why after landing at a flight path it sometimes takes me a good 10-20 seconds to actually dismount.

Here’s a tech support thread if people feel like joining in: Ability/Loot Lag on North American Servers Despite Normal Latency

Rep confirms the issue seems similar to or the same as Oceanic. Didn’t expect them to actually possibly be the same, but tough to predict infrastructure issue consistency.

Thanks for providing this.

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We know.

Look at the date


This has been my experience on NA realms all day. Please fix this.

It would be nice if they would just get the dang thing fixed. Just seems they passing the buck to us. This expansion is becoming known as Battle to Play since we have to fight the dang latency all the time.

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