Unacceptable handling of Elemental design

The lesson for them here is you don’t fix what isn’t broken. I was hyped for TWW when it came out but at the moment I lost all interest to log in.

Really though, what gets me is Ele was not asking to be buffed. Us LvB enjoyers asked for our Pre- Legion playstyle to be brought back, but just to playable. But, no one was asking for a large buff to be better than what Ele could already perform. In fact, up to 11.05 people were more so asking for nothing to be done. They said they would rather have nothing than what they were getting with that Ascendancy model.

It’s like shoving cake down someone’s throat who didn’t want cake, than refusing to give them any food for a week because they ate the cake.


Looking at wcl statistics in heroic where the vast majority of players play, and a single target boss like Sikran. Ele is 11th in dps right in the middle of the pack and under devastation, retribution, arcane. This also includes data pre-LR nerf. Data post-LR nerf is even worse.

I can understand a nerf to aoe but a 10% nerf to single target (potentially 17% if ascendance bug gets fixed) is completely unacceptable. When have we ever seen tuning that says “All damage reduced by 17%” for a class that is performing upper middle? Never. Aoe nerfs are even larger in magnitude. This is after we lost cdr on defensives and utility.

It’s almost as if the hotfix team (LR nerf 3% single, 10% aoe), the tuning team (10% single, 20% aoe) and the bug fix team (1% LR, 7% ascendance) are all working separately and have zero communication with each other.

Another issue with the upcoming nerfs, is that it makes Ascendance a lackluster THREE minute cooldown. If you go into aoe against an Unholy Death Knight, like first pull in stonevault or necrotic wake, UH DK will blow past you and they’re a 90s cooldown class. Would really suck to press a 3 min cooldown knowing that any other spec that is half of that can do just as much and twice as often.


Well see, that’s the problem. Ele is no longer upper middle it’s 2nd highest. What get me is 3-4 weeks ago only the top 3 classes were more than 5% difference from the lowest to the highest. I think it was 10 -13 DPS spec were all within 3%.

It really feels spiteful, like when the government wants to disparage a class but they got no good reason. So they lift them up so that everyone will complain about them pointing out how unequally they are being treated. Just so that when they tear them down people will say they got what they deserved.

Which boss and what difficulty (mythic, heroic, normal) are you loking at where Ele is second highest in single target dps post-LR nerf? Because i can’t find it.