This has happened multiple times before, but now it’s been doing it quite often. 9/10 of the armory pages I’ve tried to visit in the past week have given me this error:
Error 500
Something’s Not Quite Right
This character profile could not be displayed, possibly for one of the following reasons:
The character has been inactive. If this is your profile, try logging in and out of the character in the game client.
The character name or realm was spelled incorrectly.
The character has been impacted by a process such as a realm transfer or faction change.
The character may have been deleted.
The character is below level 10 and thus cannot be displayed.
An illusion. What are you hiding?
No they aren’t under level 10 or haven’t logged in for a while or whatever. This has also been happening to a few guildies of mine that have tried to view armory pages.
I am getting the same error on all my character as will, “Error 500”.
This happens to me very frequently. It just seemed like a random daily occurrence that fixes itself eventually. Edit: I get the character not found warnings daily, but I looked at mine and now I’m seeing a general server error
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Same issue happening with me and I’ve cleared cache and cookies also tried another browser. My main one is Firefox and I’ve disabled my ad block with no luck. The other one I tried was with edge with no add-ons just a clean slate. It’s odd is that I’m able to see some characters but not all of them.
Looks like they’re working again, just right now. I found this thread about 10 minutes ago because I was having the same issue and all of a sudden things are loading again.
edit: about 2 hours later (probably happening earlier than that) I’m getting error 500 again yay.
Armory is still down. Its been 2 days now. Customer support is so trash
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