Unable to upgrade ilvl gear at npcs

No clue what is going on, but I am unable to upgrade any of my gear on any of my toons in Val. I tried both npcs in town, and they are not allowing me to upgrade my gear (they showed my gear as blacked out and won’t even drag the gear into the box). And I get a prompt saying, “This item cannot be upgraded,” even though it’s not fully capped.

What’s weird is when I hopped on one of my alts, the npc is saying I can upgrade gear from last season! Yet when I go to upgrade it just to test it…it’s not upgrading, lol.
I have ample crests and stones so that’s definitely not the issue. I tried restarting the game, checked my addons- nothing.

Anyone else had this issue or know how to fix it?


It also seem the LFR wont say which raid is awakened, and the adventure guide wont show awakened ILVL gear as an option.


same problem as you

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hopefully they fix it soon. does anyone know if aberus is dropping awakened gear tho

bumping for more visibility interaction. relogging didnt fix and multiple characters having this issue. was working this afternoon.


Same thing here

No issues on my mage. Logged out switched to warrior and awakened is gone…

Same issue here.

I can upgrade Season 2 gear. So my guess is, we got sent back in time as a whole but we kept our memories. Let’s make the best of it.

Same thing here. I can upgrade season 3 stuff though.

i have a feeling they were trying to fix the awakened raids because I’m pretty sure all raids are supposed to be awakened, but they arent. They probably broke everything while trying to do a forced live update

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Whew! I thought it was just me. Same problem.

I think they pushed part of the ptr patch to live cause I was having an issue with no awakened raids.

World of Bugcraft strikes again.


Same issue for me. I’ve logged out and back in and can’t upgrade gear.

Same thing here

Blizzard already confirmed that All raids will continue to rotate until War Within Pre-Patch which they will then all go awakened at once.

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broken for me as well…no ability to upgrade anything from this season. multi toons and leaving game did not fix

Are you sure you have enough updog to upgrade?

Season 4 Week 7: All raids not yet Awakened - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)