Unable to upgrade a conquest item

I bought conquest bracers. Upgraded them from rank 1 to rank 2 without a problem. When attempting to upgrade them from 2 to 3 (or higher) the upgrade button lights up to let me know its able to be upgraded, when I click Upgrade the window pops up asking if i’m sure I want to do this, I click “yes” and it sounds and acts like the process was successful however the item level/stats/upradelevel stay the same and it doesn’t use my honor points (just doesn’t upgrade the item) it stays at 2/9 upgrades.

I reloged, closed completely, updated addons, turned all the addons off, attempted the upgrade at a different NPC… Nothing I do works and its driving me insane.

I have won games this week, today in fact, it let me upgrade to rank 2 but wont let me upgrade further. Everything seems fine, but its not and i’m gonna lose it.

Anything I haven’t thought of? (i’m not reinstalling, if I uninstall I wont be reinstalling (the final of many straws that broke my back)).

(thanks in advance).

Edit: I also did a battleground and came back and tried again, went and repaired the item and tried again, still no luck.

Edit 2: I would also like to point out how horrible this experience has been dealing with your customer support. Its been years since I have needed assistance like this from a GM if for nothing else to let me know its a known issue or that they are looking into it. In years past it was very easy to create a vague ticket that would (in some time) get to someone that could help. Now you are given a handful of various specific options to list your issue giving you NO OPTION to leave an unique issue (apart from just a bug report that no longer warrants a response from the GM to let you know what’s going on).

We paid for the game when it came out, we pay for the monthly subscriptions, we pay for the expansions, we pay for the nickel and dime services, we pay for the needless shop items and the tiny % of people that can pay to win for all the boosts you allow… all of this over the years and yet your customer service has gotten progressively worse…

My mind is blown.

I don’t know how much of this is on Activision, but it can’t be all their fault.

(this second edit doesn’t belong in this post, I just needed to vent, sorry for anyone that actually reads it, even more so should you be employed by Activision/Blizzard, this can’t be the only post about this and i’m sure you are sick of it.)


I have this same issue, i can upgrade my shoulders to rank 3 but not head piece.


A. sorry to hear that

B. i have no words to describe how happy I am to hear its not just me…


Oh boy. Okay. Firstly, welcome to Customer Support, not to be confused with Customer Service. This forum is one for players to help other players. It is not a contact point for any staff beyond our SFAs. So there are no GMs here, there are no Devs.

Rose colored glasses. Now, if you can’t make a ticket it’s because the issue someone is having is outside of the GMs purview. They cannot resolve bugs, so sending a ticket in to report a bug and ask for a fix only to be told they can’t do it? Clogs up the system and you would likely only be more upset after waiting on a day or two to get that kind of response. Only Devs can solve bugs and there is no contacting the Devs directly. They take reports from the in-game bug system and the Bug Report forum. That’s it. So this newer system does help streamline things and tries to point people to the proper places without having to make someone wait for a day or so to be told nothing can be done.

We pay for access to the servers. That’s it. All the excess stuff you’re listing is not mandatory to success in progressing through the game. It’s there, but it’s not necessary. And the boost thing, irrelevant.

Now all of that said, I’ve seen a number of posts cropping up over in the Bug forum about this. No fix has been employed, but you are not the first or only person by a long shot. I’m sorry you and others are having this issue, but please post over there, whether creating your own new thread or popping in on one already existing so they can hear your voice too.


I mentioned that my second edit shouldn’t have been posted here, i also apologized for anyone who read it. I’m not looking for any feedback on anything other than the issue on the conquest upgrade item and I simply asked for any suggestions on how to fix it that I haven’t already thought of.

Thanks for your feedback but going forward It would be awesome to stay on topic (like I sadly couldn’t in the edit).

Again, sorry for my previous rant.

I did also submit this as a bug, thanks again.


All good. It’s not meant as anything bad or to grief you by any means, but just to clarify for you and for others who will trip over this thread in the future.

Thank you for submitting the bug and hopefully they’ll be able to figure this thing out and get it fixed for all of you folks!


This is happening to me as well. Tonight I bought a conquest ring and could only do 2 upgrades. When trying to do the 3rd upgrade I got the message " item cannot be upgraded ". I’ve unlocked challenger II and won games at that bracket but couldn’t upgrade past combatant I.

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Sorry posted on wrong toon. I had the upgrade issue on this one.

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You need to post in the Bug Report forum. Customer Support does not fix bugs.

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A huge number of posts on being unable to upgrade gear of all sorts. The OP is playing the game the way he was supposed to be playing it. Your bizarre response sounds like you think he doesn’t deserve the rewards he earned and should be grateful that he is even permitted to log in. That being even perpetually unable to upgrade his gear due to a careless mistake that was implemented without adequate testing won’t ever hold him back in any way… Seriously, do you even play the game?

People pay to play the game on the understanding that it’s going to be working as they were promised. And yes, it was a promise that they could upgrade their gear by earning unlocks. You are suggesting that Blizzard could remove the ability to upgrade any and all gear tomorrow and players should be satisfied with that. That they could just remove flight, which has happened to some players TODAY. And players should have no reason to think they’ve been [expletive deleted].

They need to deal with the problem now. They need to stop rushing untested changes in that end up breaking the game.

No one is saying that.

If you want it addressed you need to post in the Bug Report forum. QA and Devs don’t take bug reports from the Customer Support forum and the SFAs in this forum are not liaisons with them.

I was not addressing a dev or QA person. I was responding to a player who said it was unreasonable for paying customers to expect to play the game at all. Have a quit moment.

I may have quoted the wrong section of what you wrote, but what I said stands. No one is saying they doesn’t deserve the rewards. They were correcting what was being said. The EULA says you pay for access and that they don’t guarantee that the game is without bugs and that the game is subject to change.

Your final paragraph appeared to be addressed to Blizzard, which is what my second paragraph was about.

Customer Support does not fix bugs. Customer Support can not change what is currently happening. If you feel it needs fixing, you need to either give feedback in the PvP forums or file a Bug Report.

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I understand issues come up. The idea that self-appointed spokespeople are telling players who have paid a great deal of money that they have no right to expect the game to be playable is actually bad for the game.

The entire end game is about earning the privilege to buy gear, earning currency, and upgrading it to be able to play better and play harder content. It appears that is now broken. A lot of people who are already questioning whether this game is right for them are going to be reading garbage like that telling them they have no right to get anything at all in exchange for the thousands of dollars they have spent over the years and say, “You’re right. Screw it. If you want to pay to log in and be unable to play a videogame, more power to you. I’ll find one where the company owners take responsibility for their product.”

You guys need a new message.

yeah dude went to try today everythin else is 4/9 max conquest , go to do helm legs and wrist wont let me even though my rateing is 1400 herculies the pally