Unable to update World of Warcraft with Battle.net. Can't patch

I’m unable to update WoW after the maintenance the other day. Getting a “We can’t patch World of Warcraft with Battle.net. Please log in to World of Warcraft to update it.” BLZBNTAG0000097A code. I already did the provided workarounds like uninstalling/reinstalling the Battle.net app. Windows and drivers are all up to date. No security or antivirus software/program blocking it. Force close battle.net app through task manager and restarted laptop multiple times. Internet connection works fine. I also deleted the Battle Net folder as instructed but none of these worked. Please help. Thanks!

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Mine has been cooked ever since patch day as well… 2 days spent trying to fix it just the way you’ve described and nothing.

Cataclysm classic updated no issue whatsoever though, making no sense to me I just can’t play retail.

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Same here. Have uninstalled Battle.net on two computers, cleared all Battle.net-Blizzard Files and reinstalled Battle.net. Can install Diablo III and Hearthstone. Try to install Retail, just the little battle.net logo in the Install box.

Tried resetting my pc (format). I can’t install World of Warcraft now. Stuck with the installation pop-up window with the BattleNet moving logo on the bottom right,

having the same issue, any update in this? I even reinstalled my OS but nothing happened. can install/update HoS,diablo, and overwatch but not WoW retail/classic/hardcore

The same issue I have. Almost two weeks now since the last patch.

any luck? I still can’t play because of this. also this error pops blzbntagt0000097a, my OS is windows 10

Still no luck here. Can’t install any WoW games (live, classic or even PTR) but can install anything else. I’ve let it sit for over 24 hours at the World of Warcraft Installation screen with the little blue battlnet logo doing its spins.

Nice that I paid to resub to WoW to not be able to play it. /cheer

same I let it sit into that spiral loading sh*T for hours and nothin. done all the chat gpt suggest to do still nothin. GMs can’t help either. somehow bit glad on the side that I found this error before reactivating my subs. Bye mythic roaster tho kekw

Use VPN(Any VPN and location will do) to bypass the bugged update server/routes then wait for the bnet app to trigger an update then restart the bnet app. Afterwards, you’ll be able to install/update.


Thank you!, this worked. Started downloading within seconds.

I’m trying this right now. It’s downloading wow but no bnet update trigger so far. Did the trigger happen after installing wow?

I’m trying this right now. It’s downloading wow but no bnet update trigger so far. Did the trigger happen after installing wow?

if it gets to the point where it allows you to play, you’re probably past the issue.

everytime it’s reared it’s head for me I couldn’t ever get a “play” option, it just says update or install.

if it’s downoading and you can play, you’re likely good for now.

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The download via VPN was finally completed last night and I was able to run the game on my normal internet connection immediately afterwards and this morning. It looks like the issue is with the Bnet’s update system.

I’ll add this detail on my open Tech Support ticket before closing it.

Thank you all, Parslei.

If a VPN let you update, then the issue is with your route to the content delivery server, not Bnet. In other words, you’d be adding the wrong info to that ticket.

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Nothing has worked for me with all the suggested workaround: use of vpn, updating driver, uninstall and reinstall battle.net app, deleting wow.exe. and and do repair and scan (did not trigger with same error tag), dns refresh. I have done practically everything needed.

Support ticket suggested that I comb some suggestions here that may work or an mvp might help me with said issue. Still hoping; three weeks running now unable to update and play.

Why not reinstall WoW in your troubleshooting list?

Having the same issues, all my other games are affected as well. I have been lurking the forums the past few days and sadly there are no solutions yet. My only hope is they get it fixed this coming maintenance.

Update: After several tries using vpn the past three weeks or so, today I had the luck of triggering an update using a vpn (I believe any region or country will do. I used the lowest ping possible from among the selections of countries available). Finally, the battle.net updated and I can play again.