Unable to Unlock Dawn of the Infinite

Completed the “Dawn of the Infinite” quest line to unlock the Dawn of the Infinite Dungeon, but I am unable to enter the dungeon, whenever I attempt to enter, it says “…is not yet available”

I’ve checked whether or not I have actually ‘completed’ the quest with the appropriate /run … IsQuestFlaggedCompleted and all the quests up to “Who’s That Chromie?” have been completed.

As it stands I’m unable to unlock the dungeon

As a side note, the stuck state occurred on my character “Akros”, not Akre… I’m knew to the forum therefor don’t know how to put the correct character for the bug

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Try set to mythic on dungeon difficulty.

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that is the most ridiculous solution I have ever heard

even if it works, it shouldn’t be necessary to make an already difficult dungeon even more difficult just to be able to access it

and it doesn’t work, btw

As an aside, if you have future characters that will do the dungeon, the questline is optional and you should be able to walk in regardless of its completion.

Also FYI, your ilvl is very low on the hunter. Beware - the dungeon may only be a M0, but the rewards you receive are similar to doing above 16-17+ key. I don’t believe you’d be excluded from entering with a low ilvl but it will be rough to output proper damage and you probably will die a lot (squishy hunter main here).

The dungeon is mythic difficulty, so that’s what you do before entering any mythic dungeon.

I’m having this exact same issue, and it’s honestly frustrating

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This new dungeon follows the precedent set by earlier “mega-dungeons”, starting (I think) with Operation: Mechagon. The dungeon is released initially as a Mythic-only dungeon and unavailable in the the automatic group finder.

This, as far as I know, is intentional.

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then why does the error specifically say “heroic” if that difficulty isn’t even available?

Blizz really needs to stop time gating the group finder stuff

Is your dungeon difficulty set to heroic? That won’t be available till the next major patch.

Also as an even squishier-than-hunter evoker secondary main, your ilvl is also very low and you will have a hard time :frowning:

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I tried setting it to both heroic AND mythic and nothing. got the same error

It’s supposed to be very difficult. They did this with Tazavesh, as well. It will also be available in two parts as mythic keystones in the future if it follows the same trend.

There is most likely another bug at play in that case. It’s good you tried on mythic since that would be the first step to troubleshooting.

this worked thanks

I’m having the same problem ….
Done the quest plus both mythic 0
I can’t form my group for my mythic plus 16

But I can join groups and I did 11-10 of both

So now i can’t do my key thx blizz