Unable to turn in unshackled emissary quest

When I try to click on complete quest nothing happens. I have tried resetting my ui and no avail.


Also having this problem

I have the same problem!

same thing here

also having this issue

also having this issue and disabled all addons and reloaded the game

Same here on Uther. Disabled all addons, zoned out, completely logged off. Logged back on and zoned in. Still nada.

it is also happening on the zuldazar turn in… The question mark is there but the npc Natal’hakata is not.

Just add my +1 here, also having this issue on multiple alts.

EDIT: Appears to be only alts that have not as of yet collected any Echoes of Ny’alotha cannot do the turn in. At least for me.

Also having this problem

I also cannot click on the complete quest to turn in the unshackled emissary quest!

I’m also having this issue.

My hunter is sitting at 200+ Echoes and I can’t turn in the quest either.

Same deal as of 6:00 central, completed emissary and can’t turn in. contacted customer support, problem was confirmed, agent suggested i wait for a hotfix.


My shaman alt is having the same issue… im 1500 rep away from revered for a rank 3 essence too… cmon blizz…

Same deal. Toon is this character and it received Echoes in their chest for the week previous to attempting this quest turn in.

Had the same issue. zoning & relogging didn’t fix.

On a whim, bought the last rank 3 Essence I needed from the toon you turn in the Naz Emissary quest too, applied it to my neck in the vault, returned & was able to turn in the Emissary quest.

Weird, but fixed for me.

Edit: And I did receive the 50 Echoes of Ny’alotha.

Same issue since yesterday morning. Tried relog, disabled addons, switched toons, bought rank 4 of my essence, still nothing.

EDIT: Handed in today’s emissary with no issue, still can’t hand in unshackled.

I have the same issue as well.
Logging back in hours later did not help & I still cannot turn in the quest.

Edited to add : It’s ONLY my main character who is having this issue. All of my alts were able to turn in the Unshackled emissary quest just fine.