Unable to turn in Messenger to Stormwind quest

General Marcus Jonathan in Stormwind won’t talk to me to let me turn in this quest. Doesn’t matter if he;s mounted or on foot.


What did you do to upset him?


abandon the quest and retry, sometimes this works.

We’re currently deploying a hotfix to address this issue, which has been a roadblock for some players.

When the hotfix goes live (soon today), players who are on the quest “The Great Masquerade” when the hotfix is applied will see parts of the event disappear. If that happens to you, please return to Squire Rowe. He will have the gossip option to summon Reginald Windsor, and Windsor will offer the quest again.


Will that help low level players trying to deliver Lakeshire’s desperate plea for help or will General Marcus Jonathan continue to shirk his duty by ignoring citizens of the Alliance?


I’ve had this problem twice on different characters because someone did the higher level quest and the NPC was unresponsive to turn in my letter from Redridge.

I ended up just having to change layers to fix it, which might not even be possible on a pvp realm where layer swapping is a little more restricted (I’m on pve)

I’ve tried to turn in this quest for 2 days now. Constantly kneeling - non interactive

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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I had to layer hop to complete that quest line, eventually landing on a layer where Marcus Jonathan was on his horse ready to receive my vital update from Lakeshire

Please fix this blizzard.

OP has great aesthetics.

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Were there any plans to deploy this “hotfix” in 2025, or are you guys still working that into a sprint?

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The Blizz poster thought they were talking about the Prison Break quest chain for the Onyxia attunment.

People seem to forget there’s a wholeass game before 60.


Oh, you mean the Lakeshire quest?

Yeah, I always skip that. It’s impossible because Marcus is always kneeling because of the Onyxia crap.


damn that man, he has no manners

this still dont work. nice hotfix.

Still an issue. Great fix

I am here to confirm…the quest is still broken. General Jonathan is having knee problems apparently.

fixing one quest is hard work apparently bc i haven’t been able complete it on any toon for like 3 months

More like a coldfix.