Unable to transmog staff to 1-handed Artifact appearance (Warlock)

This is still broken.

Very annoying as multiple covenants 1h INT raid weapons are swords with no INT Dagger option available. Thanks to this bug, and the fact that for some unknown reason Blizzard feels that swords should not be able to transmog into daggers, Venthyr and Nightfae Demonology Warlocks are unable to transmog the Legion Artifact skins they unlocked if they wish to utilize the weapons they receive from raid…

Also, 20 posts over 2 months and no one from Blizzard can be bothered to comment to notify us if they are at least aware that they broke this and working to fix it? Or should just expect this bug to get ignored because fixing it would not provide Blizzard with any monetary value?

Better to work on another ‘Exclusive’ toy or hearthstone to encourage people to spend more $$$ buying TBC…


bumping because man, this needs to be fixed already.

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Aye, also made another bugged report in the game and had other demo locks to make a report as well. It’s been so long and it is still broken

Bump. Still waiting for this to get fixed. Blizzard probably isn’t even reading this, though.

Another warlock trying to use Skull Buddy on a staff, this used to work fine at one point. Submitted a ticket.

Same problem here! Can’t apply the Skull transmog T.T

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Please fix this, Blizzard!

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Same problem , can’t transmog the off hand artifact skull of man’ari independant of the one hander

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They’ve fixed it for me! Anyone else have luck?

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I just tried it on a Warlock and it worked for me, too!