Unable to Transmog shoulders, even though they're already transmog'd

I went to transmog my shoulders and saw this error:
“Shoulders - This item cannot be transmogrified.”
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XfPbVtn.jpg

When I mouse over my shoulders that I am wearing, they are already transmoged into another item. They are the Bonesigil Shoulderguards transmoged into the Blue Dragonspawn Shoulderpads - which are a cosmetic reward item.
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/tIooHwf.jpg

I believe there’s a bug with the item they’re transmoged into. I think the game thinks I’m wearing the cosmetic item (which isn’t possible) so I can’t re-transmog my base shoulders. There’s also no way to remove the transmog. I’ve tried /reloading as well as disabling all my addons. It doesn’t fix this issue. I’m a Drakthyr on Horde.

Might be a silly question but you are trying to transmog mail shoulders right?

Yes, mail shoulders. And they’re mail shoulders I’ve previously transmogged. They just suddenly don’t work.

I am having this same issue on my shaman. I can transmog to certain sets and it will change the shoulders to that set but not all sets. Only works on 3 different sets and one custom set of no shoulders visible.

Your screenshot says they’re leather.

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Well now i feel dumb. Mine are leather also not sure how I didnt notice. Thanks