Unable to train to 300 leatherworking

I am stuck at 225. I checked all city trainers as well as the trainer in Feralas where you are suppose to be able to train to 300 at. None of them will allow me to train up to 300. No quests are available either.

Anyone else have this issue?


you’d be better off asking in the classic forum.

about the only thing i can think of, is that you’d need to choose a specialization before you can progress.


I opened a ticket but I do not think that is the reason why it will not let me train to 300

Mine is the same way… can train Artisan Leatherworking from any trainer. Went to TB and Feralas, but they can’t do it either.

I have have been facing the same issue.

I am having the same issue. I even did the Elemental LW to see if that would fix it but no luck. I also maxed out tailoring today so it’s definitely a LW bug during pre patch

same issue

Same issue here too.

seems to be both sides

yah i got the same problem today. tried few trainers. can’t learn 225-300

I am also facing this issue.

Same here. Please fix it.

Running into same issue. I’ve spent a couple hours already flying to different trainers and looking up guides. I cant get Leatherworking past 225

We’re all stuck. Blue where are you?

I’m in the same boat. I am at 225 LW, completed dragonscale LW quest, still cannot learn artisan LW. On a recently boosted toon* I am unsure if normal characters are having an issue or if its just boosted toons

It is normal toons as well

I went to the Elemental Trainer with the correct mats, did not have a quest available. Could not train. Went to the old artisan trainer in Camp Mojache, could not train artisan. Org trainer will not train artisan.

Also have checked all the Trainers. Also I am unable to learn Thick Armor kit (Not available) along with out being able to train Artisan Leatherworking

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