Unable to train 300 Leatherworking (TBCC)

Unable to train 300 LW (horde and ally side.) Visited all the correct trainers - No one has it available to train including the LW in Ferelas and all city trainers. Talked to 10-12 others on Herod with the same issue. I know alliance side is having the same issue. As of right now no way to max to 300 LW if you already havent trained it…


Having the same issue.

Also having the same issue. Hit 225 right before patch, now cannot train Artisan LW. Checked trainers in Feralas, TB, and Org (Edit: also UC). All three have advanced patterns to train, but cannot train Artisan LW. Looked at the “Already Known” filter, and all three can train the other three levels of LW, but not Artisan.

I can’t train the Nightscape boots pattern.

Same. My el dubya cant level.

I am having the same issue. I have checked all Horde leatherworking trainers in all major cities, no artisan training available. I am at 225 and level 58 and ready to move on.

Same issue, also cannot train Thick Armor Kit.

Can confirm, this is a serious bug and I’m extremely shocked that blizzard couldn’t even catch a profession being completed broken. Seriously Blizzard, original content not working? This is so sad that a company at your scale can’t do a simple test on some of the most used things in the game.

I’m also stuck at 225 :confused:

Having the same issue

It’s still broken. Can we get a blue on this? Two days now, unable to level leatherworking. I guess leatherworkers aren’t important enough.

Commented on other posts. Same issue here. I am at 225, have completed dragonscale LW, cannot learn artisan from any NPC. The toon is a recently boosted toon however so I am unsure if it’s just boosted toons having the issue or for everyone

No, my toon wasn’t boosted.

After the server restart still no artisan training at any of the leatherworking trainers.

having the same issue. please fix :frowning:

I also went to Feralas and can’t train above 225. Checked Stranglethorn and can learn some tribal leatherworking, but none of the trainers offer Artisan LW.

Sad this still isn’t fixed

Jumping on the “same here” band wagon.

Same issue

Same issue. I have checked all the LW trainers for Thick Armor Kit and have not found it. I have no filters enabled including “Already Known” or “Unavailable”