Explosives has made it’s way to the affix rotation and it seems in season 4 you are unable to tab target them. It’s super frustrating to get to these things now. So I am wondering if this is this a bug or an intended change. Feels weird that they’d make one of the most irritating affix’s a little more irritating for seemingly no reason…
Sometimes it does target them, sometimes skip.
Anyway, this affix is one of easiest, allow it to be atleast annoying
Got literally blown up repeatedly on a 10 from these things. Trying to find them with the mouse cursor was a hoot
So it did change… Thought it was because I was tanking and I normally don’t tank.
Choosing the target shouldn’t be artificially difficult, it’s not a first person shooter. Targeting should be the most simplified and straight forward way to meet the players intent. Not get in the way of it.
If this is intentional, combined with the avalanche of stuns and other CC effects in horrific visions I’m really starting to question the competence of the dev team.
These developments don’t make fun gameplay. They don’t provide a fulfilling challenge. It’s annoying and irritating game play. Players don’t like losing control of their characters and they don’t like a game that intentionally and artificially tries to thwart their intent.
I was just going to post about this . I thought it was some snag on my end with an add on or something . I can’t tab target them either . Having to find them with a mouse click is super annoying . Especially when tanking or helping as a healer .
It does sometimes not get tab targeted. If you have tab target set to closest target you can try standing right on top of the orb to make tab target work.
Tbh this sounds more like a bug than an intentional change. Unless someone can confirm if this was intended?
Ran into this tues as well. Loss of control mechanics and being unable to target things doesnt make me want to try harder, it makes me do something else.
/Gets hit with 30 sec stun
/Gets blown up by 4 explosives at once
/Listens to the rest of the group rage about tab targeting sucks and comments like 'cant you just heal through that?
/Reaches down and shuts off pc
/Stares at dirty laundry
Has anyone tried a macro along the lines of:
/target explosives
Fairly certain those don’t work. Similar to totems.
- Macros do not work
- Tab targeting does not work unless you have a maximum of one other target in your field of view
- Clicking on the orb will NOT work if it is fully within the hitbox of another target, especially bosses that typically have large hitboxes
This better be bugged. If they want us manually clicking on them then they must be clickable as the top item on a z-axis stack no matter how many targets are on/near the orb.
Yikes. Cant macro target or tab target them? What a nightmare affix
Which could be fine if you could consistently click on them but in some cases you cannot.
Azerokk in ML explosive was already annoying enough with explosives from the adds
- adds nearby
- orb spawns under his big hitbox
- can’t tab target to orb because adds nearby
- can’t click on orb because it’s fully inside his hitbox
- can’t move him in time to get him off the orb
- wipe
- repeat
They’d be trivial if you could macro them. Just have 1 melee dps with the /target explosive macro’d into every one of their generators and the orbs literally wouldn’t exist.
Tbh, if they can’t be tab targetted that seems a bit silly, but then again I always just clicked on them to kill them before. So no biggy for me.
I think that tab only works in the sense that it will let you target the most recent enemy that’s entered combat.
Pressing tab 1 time after they spawn will target it.
Tab targeting in wow has always been atrocious, oh you wanna target the guy three feet in front of you? NOPE, here’s the caster from the next group here to beat you down and get you kicked.
There are many situations where you CAN’T click on them, that’s the problem.
I remember trying to click them in Karazhan on the big pulls.

I always just clicked on them to kill them before. So no biggy for me.
The DH in my group tues was saying they couldn’t click on the targets because the wing animation on their toon was in the way most the time.
And this:

Clicking on the orb will NOT work if it is fully within the hitbox of another target, especially bosses that typically have large hitboxes

Pressing tab 1 time after they spawn will target it.
This was not the case for my group Tuesday. Tab targeting wasn’t working for me either, I was healing and cat weaving.
Well, can’t you just heal through all of that?