Unable to start Return To Moira quest

Quest Name: Return to Moira
Issue: I have completed the previous quest (Battle of the Earthenworks) and am supposed to speak with Foreman Uzjax to receive the quest Return to Moira. However, I am unable to interact with the Foreman to progress further in the quest chain. He remains kneeling on the ground. Neither am I able to interact with Moira further outside of repeating the role play dialog between her and Magni.


I had this same issue. Went to where Moira is to turn in the "Battle of the Earthenworks " quest and the chain progressed from there. It’s almost as if this quest has been removed.


Thanks. I still haven’t been able to pick up the quest, but it does seem like the story was able to progress. I don’t know if it and the subsequent quests will count toward any other requirements though.

I have had the same problem as well, I’m unable to progress on the quest chain.

Also progressed for me when I turned in Battle of the Earthenworks to Moira. Foreman Uzjax didn’t work.

same issue here

I’m also having the same issue.

man it’s like blizz decided to beta the game AFTER launch. . . eyeroll

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Same issue here on my 2nd toon also.

Saaaaame… super annoying…this is now the 3rd time this has happened to me, just went though it in dragonflight with 2 different npcs… blizz plz make sure the quest order is correct is you are going to have non-linear storylines… hopefully it still counts towards other requirements.

They don’t play their own game.

Same here. 4 months later and it’s still not working.