Unable to start quest “An urgent meeting”

Trying to get the legion artifact weapon on a new account on a paladin. I’ve encountered a lot of bugs and now I’m stuck at “an urgent meeting”. I can see the quest on my map, but the npc that’s supposed to appear never does. I’ve tried all kinds of things and none have worked so far. Please help. Thanks.

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Are you in the paladin class hall?


The quest is supposed to be triggered when you first get to Dalaran. I can see it on my map but the npc never appears.

Read the comments on wowhead! The npc might be in the class hall, Some even said by the flight master. Make sure your in the right Dalaran

If the character has the Harbinger quest in their log, it will mess with Dalaran phasing. I had to do the Harbinger questline before I could get the NPC to start the druid stuff to show up.


I do have the harbinger quest in my log! I really hope that’s it. Thank you guys so much :slight_smile: