I have the “The Battle for Broken Shore” quest on my log. I have already completed the scenario and got the Dalaran hearthstone on one of my alt. Tried my other level 70 alt and was not able to skip. Created a new character, leveled him to 10 and picked Chromie and unable to skip on this one too. Holgar is just standing there saying “The scent of blood is on the Winds.” and nothing else. Am I doing something wrong or they removed the skip?
I just made a level 10 Nightborne, and can confirm the skip still works. You do need to have “The Legion Returns” but you said you’ve got it.
Have you been able to use the skip in the past, or was the original alt your first character through Legion? If it’s the latter, I wonder if you need to progress further into Legion for the skip to unlock. (Perhaps getting far enough into the Order Hall Campaign to unlock the scouting map? That’s the BfA equivalent for unlocking stuff.)
Ah I started playing only from Dragonflight and my druid is my main. I wanted to unlock Argus on my Druid but read somewhere I need to Order Hall Campaign to get the Argus intro quest. So as a level 70 druid, I went to the warboard, selected Legion invasion and went through the scenario and started the Order Hall Campaign and completed till the Arch Druid Title.
I still was not able to get the Argus quest so I thought Id level a new hunter and go through the entire legion expansion quest so I get to also complete “Uniting the Isles” which might possibly give me the Argus Intro quest.
Leveled my hunter through Exile’s reach upto 10 and went to Chromie to select Legion and here at Holgar with the “The Battle for Broken Shore” quest but dont have a skip. I tired it on my level 70 Evoker and same scenario so I went through the intro quest on him too but still a skip isnt available Sorry about hte long story, I just want to get to Argus and experience the Antorus, the Burning Throne mogs and mounts lol
I’m not sure why you aren’t seeing the skip. It’s possible you have a phasing issue on the characters you’re trying it on. It’s also possible that there is a bug that isn’t crediting people for getting the skip if they’ve done Legion for the first time recently.
Anyhow, it’s probably easiest to just figure out what you need to do on the Druid than sort that out right now, given your goal is Argus. If you have to do the questing for rep for Uniting the Isles, doing it on a 70 who can dominate the mobs will be much faster than leveling a new character through it.
For the rep, you can pick up the starter quests for Azsuna (Court of Farandis), Val’Sharah (Dreamweavers), Highmountain (Highmountain Tauren), and Stormheim (Valajar) from your order hall scouting map. For Suramar (Nightfallen) Khadgar will have the quest Khadgar’s Discovery or Magic Message to start it.
Here’s what you need to do to get to Argus (I’m including everything, including stuff you’ve done):
First, the character should do the Legion intro. Pick the Broken Shore option from the Warchief’s Command/Hero’s Call board. [You’ve done this on the Druid.]
Once you’ve moved Dalaran and turned in “In the Blink of an Eye” an NPC for your Order Hall will track you down in Dalaran to start your Order Hall campaign. (It can take a minute or two, and it can help to move around Dalaran to trigger them.) Follow those quests until you’ve reached the point where you can pick a zone to quest in. (While technically, opening up the order hall isn’t required, not doing so can sometime cause weirdness with other quests, so I find it worth the time.) [It sounds like your Druid has done this as well.]
Unlock world quests by completing Uniting the Isles (required level 45). (If it doesn’t pop up automatically, Khadgar will have it in the Violet Citadel.) If it’s your first character through Legion, you’ll need to do the “hard” version* of the quest where you get to Friendly with each of the 5 zone factions. (If you’ve done it before, you’ll get the easy version which you can just turn right back in.) [One of the quests required to get the Archdruid title requires world quests, so you might have this done, but looking at Wowhead, it looks like you might be able to do World Quests from later expansions which would have allowed you to skip this on the way to Archdruid.]
Once world quests are unlocked, go to Krasus’ Landing in Dalaran and Khadgar will have the quests Armies of Legionfall and Assault on the Broken Shore. (These are the only quests you need to complete here, so you don’t need to do the followups.)
Once you’ve turned in Assault on the Broken Shore, then you can go back to Khadgar in the Violet Citadel to pick up “The Hand of Fate.” This starts the Argus Campaign.
Wow, you really know what you are talking about. Specially the part how you figured you could do other expansion world quests to get the Archdruid title. Yeah, Uniting the Isles is where I am stuck right now. I will probably think if i should do this quickly on the druid or might as well level up a new alt by going through the campaign (though slower, I would at least have a new 70 :D)