I am unable to select any of the research tiers on my alts. I’ve checked that I have enough order resources on them, but each research tier, even the first one, says “must research previous tier.” Anyone else experience this issue?
Yup i have the same issue. I just assumed it wasn’t available to be activated but if it is supposed to be possible then i also lack the ability.
No character can research the third tier or higher until they complete 5 distinct Island Expeditions scenarios. AFAIK, that’s still per-character, not account-bound.
Maybe that’s your issue?
Nah, i cant even research the first tire on the mobile app specifically. Like with Sareya, it tells me must research previous tier. Buuut when logged in on pc no issue at all. Im just not sure if the mobile ap was set up to do research or just monitor current research. But im assuming it was meant to allow you to and if so it ain’t doin that.
It does seem to be read-only. A couple of the research tiers depend on in-game events (first tier on an early campaign quest, third tier on the five IEs), so maybe the devs threw up their hands and made it view-only rather than dealing with that in the app.
I can’t move the point on the second tier from the left to the right without getting the same error about researching previous tier.