Unable to select "gossip" chat options on NPCs


Just came back to play WoW and am doing Dragonflight quests. On multiple NPCs, I can’t select chat options for more information. Some chat options work, but most of them don’t.

As an example, I’m doing the “a Scalpel of a Solution” quest right now. When speaking to the quest giver “Ecologist Iskha”, there are two additional dialogue options. “Why are there so many deceased animals here?” and “What can you tell me about these wetlands?”

Clicking the one to ask about deceased animals does nothing, however asking about the wetlands changes the quest page to show more information about that dialogue option.

Is this intended? It isn’t just with this NPC. It has happened with multiple NPCs so far. The one right next to him, “Ecologist Tharu” for example has an option “Aren’t you concerned about the attack on Dragonheart Outpost?”. Selecting that dialogue option also does nothing as well.

Sendrax had an option to ask if they have ever seen a human before. Also couldn’t select that.

What’s going on here?

I’ve disabled all addons. I’ve deleted my entire interface and WTF folder with no results. I’ve also reinstalled the game.

Here is a video of the issue. https://youtu.be/iUVkdE81jO8
