Unable to see Darkmoon Faire now

I tried to go to the Darkmoon Faire today and the Midnight at the Faire buff is still up. I cannot figure out how to get rid of it and cannot see the Faire and the usual NPCS. I got this buff when I started the Quest line with Madam Shadow but now I seem to be stuck in that particular version of the Faire and I’d like the usual version that I can see/participate in every month. Any ideas? Though my profile says level 11, the toon involved is actually level 70 gnome warlock.


Did you finish the warlock questline? All of the posts about this are from locks and it appears to be associated with that quest.


I just had this happen on my warlock too. I had left off with the questline at the Blasted Lands. I went back today and killed the guy (my VW did a much better job of staying alive this time), turned in the quest with the draenei, and now the Faire is back to normal.

Would’ve been nice to get a choice to go “during the day” or not, even while on the questline, but at least finishing it fixes things…

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have this now as a lock. Level 65. cleared cache. tedious.

I guess I’m going to have to figure out a way to kill the guys in the Badlands. I’m stuck on When Revenge Burns Green. I tried abandoning the quest but still an issue. But it would be nice to be able to see the Faire regardless of where one is in the quest line. :frowning:


Coming here to confirm the same thing. If you start the warlock quest and go to the Midnight Faire, but then don’t take further quests and leave the area, it still forces you into the warlock instance when trying to access the regular Darkmoon Faire. There is no way to change which version you want to go to, and you’re forced to continue the quest if you want to access the normal monthly Darkmoon.

This is kind of ridiculous. Why is it attached to the regular Darkmoon Faire entryway, and not only accessible via the carriage? I only began the quest on my newer warlock to see an Incubus skin people talked about, but I had no plans or desire to finish it since I do not use the imp enough to go through the mess that is the Banehollow fight. But now I can’t participate in Darkmoon on that character unless I finish it.

Can we get this fixed, please? The warlock instance should only be accessible via the carriage, or we should at least be able to choose which version of the island to go to.


I killed Twinkle before doing the quests, and the imp at the exit of Twinkle’s boss arena teleported me to the Azure Span instead of just outside of the boss room like I assumed he would. (Which was funny as a level 54 warlock being in the Dragonflight zones)

However, the big issue is, I don’t seem to be able to get back into the Darkmoon Faire by the carriage to get back in there to do the actual questline now.

Edit: Nevermind, found out that the quest “Beginning Impositions” was still in my log. Abandoned it and picked it back up at Phineas in Stormwind.

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“The warlock instance should only be accessible via the carriage, or we should at least be able to choose which version of the island to go to.”

This is the best suggestion I’ve seen

I just did the same. I abandoned the quest when i couldnt kill the boss after 10 tries. Its scaled to 70 but my character hit 70 and i didnt gear him. I cannot kill the boss. So i abandoned and now the faire is the same way, I have no way of picking up the quest again to even try to complete it.

Thus, my warlock is trapped at the warlock faire. Who would have known an innocent questline would brick my character from 35% xp buff with the warband and faire bonus. Now I am just doing TWW dungeons knowing I am losing 10% per level.

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I’m stuck too. Couldn’t kill the big bad so abandoned the quest LAST YEAR. I just started playing my lock again and faire isn’t visible on my lock.

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Yep its ridiculous and the worst part is i have reached out to GMs and they say the same thing back to me every time, “The quest should be available from Assistant Phineus! :)”.

Then in all 3 tickets that they’ve responded to I tell them he’s not even phased in! He’s missing… and they still regurgitate the same response. It’s an unfixable bug that dooms your character. Pretty convinced they’re using some auto chat bot to reply to me too, and they even close out the ticket as ‘answered’ right after they respond FOR ME lmao :rofl:

I really think they just have no clue how to fix it so they ignore players who run into it.

You can pick the quest up from Initiate Oman in the Altar of Storms in the Burning Steppes.

Same, basically permanently locked out of major content because I’m unable to kill a boss for a cosmetic effect. Can’t skip it, can’t drop the quest line, its 100% PERMANENT lockout for the fair.

I may be having the same issue. I am a returning player after 10 years and the island is more or less empty for me. I appear to have completed the “Some Wicked Things” questline based using the commands listed for the quests on wowhead, but I accidentally started this new Legion warlock questline that appears to be incredibly long, and I’ve had issues with NPCs missing in select areas ever since I accidentally started it. Abandoning the quests has no effect. No other characters have this issue. Very frustrating.

Same here, I started the quest line last year, but since I was unable to kill “Twinkle” I gave up, and now the fair is permanently empty; I have some quests there that I’m unable to turn in because of it. I can’t even see Madam Shadow so I can’t even try to kill Twinkle, and I’m not even sure where I’m supposed to pick back the quest, since it was last year and I’ve forgotten all about it…