Unable to run retail

Hello all thanks for the assistance in advanced.

I am unable to play at the moment from internet connection at home. I travel for work and this week I connected with no issue, I’ve also hotspot from my cell phone and was able to connect just fine. The only other program that seems to “lag” a little while using is Discord (takes 45-60 seconds after I respond to actually post but if I respond from my cell phone it’s instant).

The two main error codes I’ve seen while logging in have been, WOW51900319 and BLIZ51901016.

Steps I’ve taken to resolve so far have been resetting window’s, uninstall/reinstall wow both with and without addons, release/renew/flushdns through CMD, as well as all the other posted normal trouble shooting steps I’ve found on the forums, and have had an ISP tech to come out and see what’s the issue.

It should be noted that my computer is the only one that has an issue running wow while i am home.

Thank you for the help

If you can connect via a different ISP, then the issue is your ISP. You should have them check again for their routing issues, but just your home issues.

Would it make sense its an ISP issue if another computer on the same network can connect to wow without issue?

How are you connecting on this PC? I’m assuming wifi, and would start by checking that on your PC, maybe bypassing with a wired connection if able. Using your hotspot to bypass if your phone and pc are connected can use BlueTooth. Technically probably part of your wifi chip, but I would start by ruling out that first I guess.

As it’s not happening on other PC’s, I would assume the switch or router are ok.

Could be an issue with your pc that is having issues connecting stably with your network.

Since the hotspot is probably wifi, is the computer’s connection to the home network wired or wireless?

Either way, since you can log on from another computer on that network and that computer on another network, it isn’t a blizzard issue, it’s a that computer and your network issue.

Last weekend when i had this issue i tried both wifi and hard line. When that didn’t work I had the ISP send out a tech to see if they could address the issue. Internet speed tests, remote check on the router showed everything working fine.

I’m able to play all other games online without an issue. I can use the internet without issue. The only two programs throttled atm is WoW and discord. Which leads me to believe it was a firewall issue. So I turned it off and it still doesn’t work.

So frustrating that its such a small targeted issue. But if you knew me IRL I find all the niche problems most canned trouble shooting can’t resolve lol

Have you tried a different ethernet cable or port on the router/switch?

Have you changed bands on the wifi adapter?

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