Unable to revert transfers

Leaving us blissfully alone, playing the game we all wanted for the past 10 years.

So, your friend changed their mind, but you had already went ahead with the switch. Well, now you are sadly stuck sucks your friend did the ole switch a roo on ya like that.

Yep, and we screwed up. 2.5 days wasted.

Lol no, that’s not how it works. Without layering 3k players get in instead of the 30k or however many there are per layer x number of layers.

Translating your sentence is difficult, but I think you said what I said, so I’m not sure why “that’s not how it works.”

The realm population cap is set to - say - 8k. The server can actually handle say - 50k. So we make 6 layers and allow 48k people to log into the server. The layers keep us from seeing any more than 8k at a time.

If you were to remove layering from the server without either a population drop OR a queue, the population - all 48k of them - would be on a single layer. Which would be unsustainable due to resource conflicts.

Is THAT how it works?

HAHAHAHA!! I knew this would happen. This is hilarious! :joy::joy:

we warned you not to switch bro, i told everyone dont switch servers, they will be dead realms.

Well, you could put a big warning on it.

For example, “no changes, and GM cannot help you”.

Oh yeah, Blizzzard did that.

Are you sure that is a RL friend?

Yes. Which is why realms like Herod will have larger queues than they do currently when layering is removed, if the population doesn’t drop enough.