Unable to restore vitality to Legion order hall troops

I first started having this problem right after pre-patch went live and was hoping it would be hotfixed, but it hasn’t yet. Using the vitality items, such as the druid Wild Mushroom, on Legion order hall troops no longer works. The dialogue box pops up and gives me the option, but nothing happens when I click to apply the item. It’s inconvenient having to keep buying more Argus troops after only one or two uses when I have stacks of vitality items sitting around. Hope for a fix soon.


Same issue since pre-patch and I’ve tried using them several times after on any kind of troops for my druid and nothing happens. Super annoying when I have a whole handful in my inventory and can’t use them and have to keep on obtaining new troops instead.

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This is still bugged. My mage, warlock, and druid are all unable to use their specific items to restore troop health. I tried deleting the items and collecting new ones, but they also do not work.

Still broken both in-game and via the app.

Seven months later, still broken.

Chiming in that my warlock still can’t use Iresoul’s Healthstone on troops.

The in-game support says “We are currently investigating this issue. If you run into an issue with these items or other vitality restoration items, submit a bug report to assist in our investigations” … so here I am!