after pausing the campaign quest “tougher than we thought” quest due to raid time, I was unable to restart it. I abandoned the quest to regain it, but the NPC Fleet Master Seahorn is not in the area he should be and where it shows on my map. Anyone know how to regain the campaign quest?
I received a response from Support below, but it really didn’t help me in my case since I have the prereqs. From what I gather, ‘Side Gig: Lost in the Sauce" is a daily. I completed it just to be sure, and zoned out as well as disabling all add-ons and I’m stuck like you. I also confirmed that the prerequisite quest of ’ A Vast, Ye Swabs’ was completed too.
I ran this to confirm it returned “true”
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(83200))
After checking things on my end, I see that Tougher Than We Thought might be experiencing an issue due to prerequisites. Here’s what I recommend:
Try resetting your UI (this often resolves missing NPCs or interactive elements).
Check if you’ve completed all prerequisite quests, such as Sid Gig: Lost in the Sauce.
If you can’t see the NPC or accept/re-accept the quest:
These quests are part of the Uprising Event, you need to be in the Uprising “phase” to see and accept the quests.
To get back into the Uprising mode talk to Primrose Crankshaft and select her chat option.
She should also be marked on the map, right outside the hotel.