Unable to Recind/Timeout Guildfinder Invites

I’ve reported this before … on various channels. In-game, using tickets, and on forums. But there still hasn’t been any movement on this and it’s causing problems.

The guild finder does not work properly. If everyone was perfect and reacted as expected, then it would work. But people aren’t like that. They’re messy, unexpected, sometimes lazy and/or forgetful and quite often can be rude or toxic.

As a guild leader of the same guild for well over a decade, who also helps support and enable support for other guild leaders, I have experienced all of these behaviours and then some.

We only use the guild finder now as a way to advertise our guild, not to use as a recruiting tool itself, because there are just too many bugs with it. We solely use it for people who want alts invited into the guild. But this in itself can cause issues if people don’t immediately use the “invite” that is created.

There is no way to recind an invite, and there is no expiry date on invites. So if someone applies, is accepted, but never actually uses the invite … that invite remains on the Applicant History as “Approved” (but unused) forever

Most guilds that I know do not want this situation. They want control over who joins their guild, and, to a certain extent, when.

If someone applies to join my guild, and then doesn’t accept that invite within a week or two, I’m going to decide they’ve changed their mind. I certainly don’t want them to then take up that invite 6 months later.

We have, in the past, had people removed from the guild for inactivity, or other reasons, but have an invite pending in the guild finder for many months. In fact I’ve occasionally NOT removed people from the guild, that I would normally, solely because they have an invite pending and there is no way to remove it.

Today we removed someone from the guild for toxic behaviour (ironically, whilst complaining that everyone else was toxic :stuck_out_tongue: ). He still has an alt sitting in our Applicant History list with an invite pending. This person has no barrier to being able to invite himself back into the guild now, with no help from anyone, and cause more upset and hurt. And this is because there is no way for me, as a guild leader, to rescind their invite.

There is an option to “report” … but only for a couple of reasons, and neither of which actually does anything. Sure it probably flags it up for a GM/bot to look at … but I’ve used both alternative methods before, and nothing ever happens.

Our only alternative solution, is to never use the guild finder at all. But then the only way for people to get invites into the guild is to whisper someone direct, which requires both to be online at the same time, and the primary way for people to find others in-game on the same realm is using “/who” … which is also broken.

I’m not reporting this here to “raise a ticket” … this has been done before, several times.

I’m aware Customer Support can’t actually do anything direct about this.

I’m mentioning this here to (a) raise awareness and (b) in the hope that, at the very least, someone who can, pushes this up the line until it gets to someone who wants to and is able to create a solution.

Guild Leaders and Guilds have been at best ignored, and at worst had their jobs providing a fun and friendly environment for large groups of people, in this apparent “MMO” game made considerably harder, for many years now, and I think it’s about time we deserved a little love and respect for the effort we all make to encourage players to continue playing and paying to play.

Please help.

*NB … this is a copy of a thread made with my “main” character on EU forums but, as they don’t have a bug report forum I felt it was appropriate to duplicate here as well.

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