Unable to que for Dragonflight dungeons

I pre-purchased the Dragonflight expansion. The option to que for the Dragonflight dungeons are greyed out stating I don’t have the expansion.


I’m having this same problem too. I am able to queue on my alliance toons. However, on my horde toon who just reached 60 today, it says I cannot queue for Uldaman because “You do not have this wow expansion.” Which is silly because I pre-purchased it and even have a dracthyr who can queue for this dungeon.

Don’t worry, even if you could queue for it you’ll never get into it. Queues are 4+ hours long. No tanks

sadly happening to me. Anyone hear about fix?

updated gear to ilvl243 and able to que

Is that just for Legacy of Tyr, or are there more you have access to?

It’s like the expansion isn’t out for another 2 weeks. This is not a bug. If you need Legacy of Tyr, you need to manually que for it.

My lowest level 60 ilvl 224, is able to queue. I’ll try tanking them later. I suspect it’s a tank shortage that is the problem, though it might be some other bug.

Well with tons of people playing the new class, yeah its a short lived tank shortage.

As I said above, I think it’s also a problem with their mismanagement of the guardian talent tree and complete lack of communication that probably has resulted in a fair number of them not being available to tank.