Unable to Play War Within Beta

I’ve encountered an issue with the War Within Beta despite purchasing the Epic Edition and trying recommended solutions from 5 different GMs. None of their suggestions have resolved the problem. Any advice or similar experiences? Thanks!

The issue: I select “WoW1 (US)- The War Within”, go to the drop down menu “In Development”, and select “The War Within Beta” and click “Play”. The game launches and takes me to the character page. I can copy a character from live at level 70 or create a character at level 1, but it does not allow me to log into the character, it will disconnect. In the top left corner of the character selection page it has an “Upgrade” button for The War Within.

Suggested solutions I have tried:

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might seem like a simple but stupid solution but have you tried logging in and out of battle net completely, its pretty stupid but they seem to have a problem with that, like some cant access the beta forums until they log out and back in, it might force the launcher to properly recognize that you bought TWW

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Did you try Scan and Repair on the beta test client.

Do you have very little free disk space on your hard drive, or a fragmented swap space.

My beta has memory issues that bleed like a bandaid torn off an IV. I can login, but I don’t live long.

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With me it show I have it for one of my alt account even though my main one has it. It only lets me log in using my non main account that does not have access to it, but when I log in, it pulls only from the list of toons to copy over that are on my main account. And when I try to log into the beta using the account claiming it is on, it does not work. Perhaps you have an issue similar to that? If you have more than one account then that could affect things. And in alphas and betas that I have had in the past, sometimes even me having an account such as a PTR or trial account attached would sometimes block access from me being able to log in to play. See if you have an issue such as that.

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