Unable to obtain N'lyeth, Sliver of N'Zoth toy/achieve

It is currenty impossible to obtain this toy (which is the only way some hunter pets can be tamed) due to the quest for it never popping up after the requirements are met.
This issue has been brought up multiple times, on multiple platforms and has been a bug for well over a year now.
I am posting it once more in hopes that something will finally be done about it.
The issue has been cataloged here on the EU WoW forums:

And also here on the toy’s info page on WoWhead:

The hunter pets you can only obtain with this toy are long sought after by a good many folks. There is even a dedicated Discord server for it that’s pretty much dead save for the occasional “has the toy quest been fixed yet?”

Can this bug be fixed finally? Or even change the requirements for the pets to be tameable? I don’t care either way. Just would like to finally have my pink noodle durgon. ;-;


Just curious, but which Hunter pets require the toy to make it possible to tame?

I have the toy and Hunters. So really would like to know if my Hunters are missing out on tames.

The Ivory Cloud Serpent and the Thundering White Cloud Serpents both require you to have the toy in order to tame.
(I am not sure if I’m allowed to link Petopia pages- but you can look them both up on there on how to tame.)
Good luck and grats on having the toy!


Thanks for the info. I did the achieve when it was current and thankfully it didn’t have issues at the time.

Hopefully they will get it corrected soon. It really makes farming in Nazjatar a ton easier, lol.

You are most welcome, and thank you kindly for your thoughtful reply!
I’m sure the toy certainly made stuff easier to farm in Nazjatar.

From my understanding its useful in a lot of ways beyond hunter tames.

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I submitted a Bug Report for the 6th time yesterday, and submitted a ticket on the matter. GM says that the devs are tracking the bug, but haven’t made moves to fix it. Nor are they allowing GMS to give credit to those who have met the requirements for the achievement. GM advised that we continue submitted bug reports.

Oi. Thank you for your post/info.
I’ve also submitted several bug reports but I guess it doesn’t hurt to submit more?
Shame it has to be that way to get anything done about it… even after a year and a half…

Can confirm that as of today this issue continues to persist. It would help breathe some more life back into World PvP if I could get this toy

It’s Sept 30 now, been trying since April/May to get this. Did multiple reports and only thing GM’s told me was “Here is a guide on how to get it”.

(Sorry for resurrecting a quiet thread, I just didn’t see anything more recent.)

I tried this with my friend today with our army of max level alts; both Horde and Alliance characters. We spent around 3 hours in Nazjatar (yes, 3), swapping over to various characters - no luck. Only the “Slay 10 Horde/Alliance” quest would pop up after getting ‘assassin’ but never Servant of N’Zoth quest.

I’ve seen older Wowhead posts that someone got it while PVPing in Bastion, but I have yet to see anyone confirm they got this to proc since 9.2 in Shadowlands OR Battle For Azeroth zones.

My guess? This is bugged and will probably remain bugged for a while since it’s likely -very- low on the priority list for Blizzard while they try to push through Dragonflight.

Would be nice to have this fixed for players, since the toy will still show up in the collections (usually if it’s no longer attainable, it isn’t searchable unless you already have it).


Hi there! Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply!
(As well as taking the time with your friend to ensure the bug still persists.)

This is definitely an issue that has been posted repeated times over several different forums- AS WELL AS LISTED IN WOWHEAD COMMENTS in pretty much anything related to the achievement, getting the toy, or taming the VERY MUCH COVETED white and pink Pandaria serpent dragons.
As of right now- this toy is the only way to get those two skins.
With the popularity of Dragonflight and the return of so many players…
I really feel this issue should be given another look at, or at least-
Give the ability to tame the serpent dragons without the toy?
I’ve been after those two for two+ years now…

This is a toy even players who don’t have hunters are missing out on collecting.

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Hi! Has this been solved? I really would like obtain this item.

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I really hope this is getting fixed! The coolest hunter pets aren’t unlockable without this.
No work around has been discovered?

Anyone tried recently? Probably still not fixed.

They broke it when they made it stop working in the Shadowlands, but then they never cared enough to fix what they broke and make it work in the BFA zones again. I have given up on it. I really wanted the title but you never know. Back when they stealth nerfed Arathi Basin rep, they stealth buffed it two expansions later. So all things are possible. I did submit another bug report about it this week.

It seems like it is intentional. Since they moved the relevant achievements to FoS. So it looks like everyone who didn’t get it during bfa/early shadowlands is out of luck.
And either way, blizz broke the toy in dragonflight. While it still make you neutral to enemy npcs, it does not make you hostile/neutral to all friendly npcs anymore. So you can’t actually kill most things that you could not kill before. I’ve been unable to attack most npcs that I used to be able to.

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Can still confirm it is still bugged even reached back out and got the response to make a bug report, I have a feeling to make a new one so the original post is not over a year old but I would rather make one in the coming new year after trying it again. That way no one can say this is last years problem. As a Hunter I want this item to tame some of the pets I can not normally tame without.

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March 2023… still waiting for a workaround or fix. Cannot tame some hunter pets without this. Blizzard - give us some love please and get this fixed!

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Wow… it’s surreal to me that this thread manages to be revived time and time again over the past… 2 YEARS lol.
I long and wish to be able and tame those gloriously pretty noodle dragons as well! Have for years. Honestly- I would not even care about getting this toy if they’d just make those dragons to where they can be tamed without it, even if it involves some other gimmick- as long as its obtainable.

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nothing is resolved to this day, blizzard does nothing to resolve it