Unable to learn talent

Having this issue (amongst others) with the talents.

  1. Can’t unlearn talents. Not all, but just random talents. Can’t unlearn the top of the talent string and automatically unlearn all connected. Have to learn other talents to unlearn the bugged talent, then unlearn all of them.
  2. Once all talents are selected, cannot save it. It saves as “default loadout”, but that’s it. It will not save as "M+ or “Raid” or whatever. Only ONE set of talents can be loaded/saved. Also goes for “New Layout”. Will not save it as anything other than default.
  3. Cannot import other talent trees. From wowhead, or other players, or any other method.

ANY of the above things gives the same error, “Unable to learn talent”, with the constant spinning circle.

**This is happening to multiple classes/characters. Not just my paladin. Also, have disabled, then uninstalled, ALL addons, and it does nothing.