Unable to install BLZBNTAGT000008A4


Few months ago I uninstalled bnet and wow - today I reinstalled bnet and tried to install wow. It installed then went to checking residency… then a popup box saying “We’re having problems transferring data. Please check your internet connection just in case and try again”
its been happening for 12+ hours

Ive reinstalled bnet, deleted all files
Tried another user
Checked permissions
Turned off firewall

Every troubleshooting step done, including the ones in the ticket support.

In the end they said it may be something wrong on their end because I can download diablo and other games no problem, but over 12 hours and still not working, maybe its something wrong with my mac?

I’m having the same problem


We are starting to see a few reports of this issue pop up for Mac users. We want to help look into what is going on here and help get this resolved.

Please try the following steps:

  • Disable FileVault

  • Ensure you have enough storage space to install and patch the game, 70GB. If Time Machine is set to backup automatically, the Finder may not display the proper amount of storage.

Update: If the issue continues please run and gather LogGoblin file → Make sure to click the Mac tab for the proper steps and program. Once the data is saved Email it to Techinfo@blizzard.com → Subject: Mac BLZBNTAGT000008A4
This information will help us greatly and allow us to find out what is going on much faster.

Thank you.

File Vault is disabled.
431GB of available storage on system. Time Machine is also disabled.

Still unable to install.

I am having the same issue. Completely removed all Blizzard and WoW files, OS is updated, FileVault disabled, machine restarted, other apps off, and I get error BLZBNTAGT000008A4 every time.

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Understood. The log goblin file I requested if the issue continues would help speed up our investigation greatly. Please take a moment to collect them, then Email the file to Techinfo@blizzard.com → Subject: Mac BLZBNTAGT000008A4

Thanks for reporting back about the troubleshooting. Like all BLZ errors they often have a range of core sources, so we have seen some success with the two troubleshooting steps above. That doesn’t mean they are the core reason for all users and we would like to get to the bottom of why we are seeing a spike of this issue which the logs should help with greatly.

Thank you.

Ok, I just emailed my log file to that address.

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Followed all of the code deleting process, reinstalled battle.net multiple times as well as my Mac and still no luck. Downloaded LogGoblin and sent an email as requested. I hope this issue clears up fast.

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Just switched to Mac and am receiving the same error code.

This is so annoying.

Submitted logs. Please everyone, if you are having this issue, follow the steps outlined by Zuvykree above. The more information they have to work with, the faster this will be resolved. Happy Holidays! :slight_smile:


Same error message. Just found this board when I went looking for errors. LogGoblin logs gathered and sent. Thank you Zuvykree for the help. I’m a tech myself, but this isn’t my area and I have no idea how to fix it.

And I hate tech problems I can’t solve. :wink:

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I totally agree, its been line this for nearly 24 hours now…

Blizzard ticket reps admitted it was a problem from Blizzards end - in the end, but still no fix?

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Thank you all for the log goblin files they were extremely helpful! For now we no longer need you to send them to us. Our developers believe they have found the issue behind this error and are working to get it resolved as fast as possible. Will update this thread if I hear back on any updates!

Thanks again!

I just tried the steps that Zuvykree listed and was helped by a gamemaster and it just worked for me Thanks a lot <3

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Confirmed wow is now downloading

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Mine is now downloading as well. Thanks for the quick response.

Howdy All!

Final update this issue has been resolved! Thank you all again for providing information! You have an amazing day and enjoy the action. Will be locking this thread and unpinning it but if you continue to run into issues, please start a new one!