Unable to get wow to DL

I have used the download games link and it just sits there like it is waiting nothing happens. I have attempted to dl with chrome, Edge, and Internet explorer. I followed the link in the sticky tabs and nothing happens. I have turned off my firewall and do not have Mcaffee installed. Can someone please help?

Do you have the app already installed? If so you can use it to download the game

I had this issue 2, almost 3, weeks ago after I reinstalled my PC. I couldn’t get any links to download from Blizzard. Try this link from the support thread I created at the time. It should resolve your issue.

This link should download BattleNet directly and you should be able to kick off the WoW download through it. Don’t know what’s up with Blizzard past month now.

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Thank you!! That one works. I also found one on reddit that worked. I can’t get anything to come in from blizz except stuff with us forums in front of it - it is aggravating.