Unable to get out of Combat doing TB Dailies (Cata Classic)

As the title states today I faced a new bug where I could not get out of combat in TB islands while doing dailies. This is the first time it’s ever happened to me and it was quite frustrating. I’m a Warlock and I thought it was a pet issue but I tried dismissing my pet and I was still in combat. I’d try killing any npc near me to see if I would de-aggro after a kill. Nothing seemed to work :confused: … I asked in General chat to see if anyone else was having the same issue and there were others going thru it as well.

Does anyone know if there’s a fix to this?


Maybe this is the issue.

I know people have been putting him in cities so if you are near the AH you are in perma combat.

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I just did the dailies tonight, in combat the entire time. I’d hearth or take the port out, come back in, be out of combat, get into combat with a mob, stuck in combat again despite not even being close to him.

The people who do this are like kids who pull wings off flies. I cannot imagine having the juvenile mentality that makes one think ruining other’s fun is funny. They’re putting him literally anywhere someone can hearth or port to.

Really nice to know Blizz cares enough about this to not acknowledge the problem at all.

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same thing is happening to me on Grobb. I have to run on foot back to the sw teleporter to get out of combat to drink

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That is an old bug from Tol Borad. Rogues solved that problem by using vanish.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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