ok this has been happening for a few days now and it seems to have been reported multiple times with nothing being done.
everytime i queue for a dungeon it sticks on the loading screen which results in me having to quit the game , on reloading all i get is the ‘name already exists’ .
at the moment i have a 50% playable game as im unable to do any dungeon content.
Happening on all OCE servers to all of us, completely unplayable. No blizzard responses at all.
Absolutely disgusting.
You put the release date off to “perfect” gameplay, but its been not exactly enjoyable. I have blown bulk time getting fingered by the instance load screen boss. Hows about you spend some quality time fixing this Blizz?
Yup, just came to look if this had been mentioned. Just crashed out of one while I was looking. Load screen stops at about roughly 75% and then… after a bout 2~3 mins crash out of the game.
Crashed while loading into an OCE mythic and can’t get back in.
Also experiencing this - dungeon times out zoning in. Character screen doesn’t show a location for the toon and errors with “A character with that name already exists” several times before logging in.
Guildies also reporting mail extremely slow rn, and several out doing WQ having horrid lag. RIP my plan to run remaining M0’s tonight.
Hugops to the blue pagers ringing right now - hope there’s some quick fixes for it.
I mean, this isn’t a breaking new issue. There have been threads on it for the past 2 days, and the massive server lag issue for OCE dates back over 2 years.
I’d love to be proven wrong, but based on the history of OCE servers I’m not even sure we’ll get a reply, let alone a fix.
i forgot to add , this is my second attempt at levelling a toon and i choose the ‘dungeon’ levelling path this time round - which makes the game not fit for purpose.
Just wanted to chime in with a same here from Nagrand. Personally I feel worse because I’ve been queuing as heals/tank on my pally.
Just crashed again code given WOW51900319
Tired of the trash delays in world quests > Tries dungeon > go back to mobile games
happening to me too. Game was perfect until last night.
I have been having this issue all night tonight.
It affected my whole LFG instance group as well.
Happening to me on Jubei’thos. same again as last night.
I am getting this too.
I’ve posted in a different thread, also experiencing this. I noted it is heavily tied (if not exclusively) to players on OCE servers
I’m on OCE server, just got stuck twice in a row, then the exact issue where I can’t re-enter with “name already existed” error… Looks like not just me.
(It happened again, this is the third time now and the finder will just lock you for 10 mins)
OCE servers are in a horrible state.
Unplayable lag in several zones. Constant DC’s… Often DC while zoning into a dungeon and often getting locked out of that character as ‘it already exists in the game’ when trying to log back in and it can take hours to clear. My guild currently has about half a dozen toons currently in the nether, as they can’t be played at the moment, since they dc’ed loading into a dungeon and they are stuck.
Zones are crashing. Delay with lag is horrible. In some cases, it can take over 5 seconds to loot… Players are bouncing all over the screen. Questing and doing dailies is difficult due to constant lag/DC and then roll back.
This has been constant. No let up. We had this through BFA. Now it’s actually worse.
I also have this. Found this thread over in EU which is likely similar: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/cant-load-into-dungeons/144416
A few clarifications for Tech Support.
This occurs on 1 Character only (other characters can login to dungeons fine)
This occurs using Looking for Dungeon (Heroic) finder.
What is happening to me
I get stuck on the loading screen at approximately 70-80% when loading into a dungeon
I am using dungeon queue finder
This has happened on both normal and heroic
This has occurred on multiple characters
Specifically with Shadowlands dungeon queue finder
I am playing on Frostmourne (OCE)