Ever since I applied the Algari Weaverline to my Bismuth Fisherfriend, I am no longer able to fish. By that, I mean that double-right click no longer casts. I have been usind using Fishing Buddy since year zero so I replaced that with Better Fishing; nothing. I then removed all fishing add-ons; still nothing.
Additionally, if I remove the Bismuth Fisherfriend with an earlier fishing pole like the Kalu’ak, I still can’t cast. Weird.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
PS. For quite a while now, the fishing poles have not been appearing in my Character Info main-hand slot. But that’s a different problem.
EDIT: I just discovered that I AM able to cast using the “fishing” “spell” in my Profession window.
Havent used an addon for fishing in… You know what lets not go there. Anyway, with the professions change in DF, the fishing pole is ‘equipped’ in a slot in the fishing prof interface. I know there is no slot for the hat…That is one of those mysteries. No more oups moments whacking that raid boss with your trusty fishing pole!
Cannot help you for the clicking sorry.
What is the “fishing prof interface”? Is that where I can see if the fishing pole is equipped?
That might explain a problem I had with cooking. I bought the Burnt Rolling Pin and “equipped” it. Or so I thought. It never appeared in my Character Info so I bought another one. When I tried to equip that one it said I already had one. Is there a “cooking prof interface” also? That was a 16K gold mistake on my part. ugh
Yeah, I remember raiding in WOLK with my Kalu’ak pole and my blue overalls on once. lol.
Just open the cooking profession to cook somethin. The cooking tools will be in the top right corner. Open the fishing journal , same corner.
This was explicitly a Fishing Buddy feature. If you don’t have FB installed, this will not happen.
Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. When I install FB, double-click does not work. When I install Better Fishing, double-click doesn’t work.
So there is no fishing interface per se? Just the icons in the area where buff/debuff icons show up? Bismuth Fisherfriend icon does not show there. They only thing that shows in any way related to fishing is a Fishing for Attention icon showing what the Algari Weaverline grants me.
Additionally, FB used to put a display up in the upper right corner of the UI. It listed the fish I had caught in this area as well as my fishing level and buffs. That no longer appears.
I have gone thru my WTF files and deleted all references to both FB and Better Fishing. Unfortunately, after I reinstalled them, nothing changed.
try fishing in water. if there is no fish try again to recast it. keep trying. try fishing in pools.