Unable to find Black Lamb pet in Elwynn Forest


I’ve been hunting the black lamb pet in the forest for the better part of a week now flying up and down all the locations from wowhead. I have yet to see it at any of the locations, war mode off or war mode on, or even on dead shards using my second account to phase me into it.

I’m pretty good at hunting mounts and pets and such and being patient finding rarer stuff but this one seems to boggle my mind why I can’t seem to find it even on any of the phases.

I had it once but it never counted for the achievement so I’m trying to hunt it again this time hopefully I will get credit.


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Did you check the little farm on top of the hill there is a house there and sheep there…normal sheep …sometimes the exploding sheep and or a black lamb battle pet… I would also check the area between Iron Forge along the road all way too Loch Modan …if I remember right I got my Black Lamb in Loch Modan zone…

I just flew all over on Ravenholdt and not a single Black Lamb is to be found. Did find a bazillion Small Frogs though.

They use to be more plentiful. I never had this much trouble finding mine way back in the day.


For curiosity, I spent a while flying over as well, and nothing.

Could it be Chromie phasing? or does Black Lamb share a spawn with Fawn?


Its a rare spawn. i would kill as many critters as you can find to force it to spawn. i remember flying circles between the tower of azora and cairn lake trying to get the P/S breed.


Weird, I wonder if the two holiday events going on right now out front of Stormwind are causing phasing issues. It was never a very common spawn but there always seemed to be several around.


Strange. Tried with an alt on a high-pop U.S. server and one on a low-pop Brazilian server and same experience, zero Black Lambs in Elwynn Forest. This flying thorough circuits spamming a Target Black Lamb macro.


I think you might be correct, and furthermore I believe it might be the new Love is in the Air Decorations. It’s the only thing that’s changed zone-wide. OP might need to wait until after reset on the 19th.

I did a round to check, did a round of murderizing the battle pets except for the frogs and cat(s) since I don’t think they share a spawn with the sheep, then did another round and nada. This wasn’t in Chromie Time. I’m going to dip into that and see if it makes a difference, but if it’s the decorations I don’t think it will change.

ETA: Did two different Chromie Times, and nada. Though, the BfA Chromie Time did seem to have more spawns, but that might just be looking too hard for something, heh.


I’m just going to wait until the event is over cuz I think you’re right. There’s some sort of issue with phasing or the Valentine’s Day decoration or something’s going on.

Thought about sending a bug report but the event is almost over so I guess we’ll see after it’s over if there are still issues.

Thanks again for looking!!!


Good guess. Love is in the Air event ended this morning and now the Black Lamb is back.

Can’t even imagine how one would affect the other, but just a reminder of how insanely complicated the WoW system is.


Found a black lamb today. Logged on by the crazy cat lady