Unable to deliver packages jobs

In Undermine, I completed every quest the first week, did the story for this week but I’m unable to do any of the jobs that ask for packages to be delivered. I even freshly installed the game without add-ons and it’s still not allowing me to progress past these jobs.

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Same, broken since launch for me. unbelievable…

credit to AliasDavid on reddit, but the following macro let me skip that job and keep my job streak
/run iAbandonQuestID = 83055; C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(iAbandonQuestID); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest();


I can’t pick up any packages STILL, I just drive over them back and forth and nothing happens.

Thank you so much for sharing this, works like a charm!

This definitely bypassed the stuck on the weekly, I just wish it would work as intended instead. But none of my alts are able to complete that job.