Unable to connect?

Hmm. Uh oh? I could connect to my 2nd wow account but not my first. Can’t tell if this is a “me” thing for my 1st, or if it’s on Blizz’s end. This comes up when I go to account settings.

Now stuck on disconnecting and “something went wrong” on launcher.

I can’t connect either.

Okay so it’s a service issue, not my account being stolen :sweat_smile:

BLZ51903006 is the error I’m getting, if that matters. Ah well. I guess it’s time for bed.

Came here to check if anyone else can’t connect. I guess the servers crashed?

Same, I cannot load realm list. Then disconnects completely

Cannot load realm list either. Is there a maintenance we don’t know about?

Was just logged in fine and made the mistake of logging off to install an addon instead of reload…and came back to this

Clicked the reconnect button and got a new error code

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