Unable to complete quest Warning Orgrimmar

I am returning after 5 years hiatus (Cata was my last expansion), and a boosted character to 110. Currently in the quest line of the Dark Portal, to be able to further open the portal to Frostfire Ridge from Orgrimmar.

Currently I’m unable to turn in the [Warning Orgrimmar](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=36940/warning-orgrimmar#comments)
quest, I have the question mark and can see it on the map, but when entering the Orgrimmar Embassy there is Sylvanas with her crew, no High Overlord Saurfang to deliver.

Please help!!!

The first thing I’d check for is if you have any quests that might be messing with Orgimmar’s phasing. The BfA starter quest (as well as the BfA quest to track down Saurfang) might cause issues as well as some of the Legion starter quests. If you have any of them, you’ll have to complete them to see if it gets the phasing right for you.

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I don’t have any of those, but I’ll complete all the quests on my log to see where I can start again.
Thank you.

I’m in the same position. I only see Sylvanas. Can we get this bug fixed? I can’t get my Garrison.

I replied to your bug report too, but this quest chain is not required to start your garrison. Talk to Khadgar at the Dark Portal.

Thank you guys!
Was able to complete it, just went to the dark portal and there was ! :slight_smile:

Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I still cannot complete this quest. My hope is that I don’t have to start up another character and level it up to be able to complete this questline before any BfA stuff.

I had this problem last week. I had done the Iron Starlette line on two Alliance characters with no problem. The turn in was to Anduin Wrynn in Stormwind. The Horde character was my problem.

I went to Orgrimmar and Sylvanis was on location, but Overlord Saurfang was not. I saw several pieces of advice and tried them:

  1. I left the marked turn in location and came back after traveling various differences.
  2. I returned to the Dark Portal, hoping Saurfang would be there, but he was not.

Finally, I did the intro quest line to get my Garrison. I did the line to the point where I got my Garrison Hearthstone, then didn’t pick up any more quests.

I intended to go back to the Dark Portal on the Blasted Lands side. I hearthed to Legion Dalaran and took the portal to Orgimmar. I was going to talk to the portal guy for a port to BL, but on a lark, I ran back to the marked turn in spot.

Saurfang was standing right behind Sylvanis, and I turned in my quest for my third Iron Starlette.

I don’t know if opening the Garrison was what did it. Maybe it was travelling through Legion Dalaran. I have no idea. But, it went from not working to working.