Unable to complete quest: Emberthal Awaits

The quest Emberthal Awaits appears on my map, however the NPC doesn’t exist in order for me to accept/pickup the quest.

A few things to note:

  • My character is an alt.
  • I did not use the skip.
  • Wowhead says that this Emberthal Awaits quest, unlocks another questline that begins with the quest The Best We Have – I have completed that subsequent questline.
  • I used this command to check quest status; replacing ##### with the quest ID:
    /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(#####))
| Quest ID |          Quest Name           | Completed? |
|    74381 | Hidden Legacies               | TRUE       |
|    73076 | Return to the Reach           | TRUE       |
|    73157 | Wings of Mercy                | TRUE       |
|    74769 | Stemming the Irontide         | TRUE       |
|    75050 | An Eclectic Accord            | TRUE       |
|    74847 | Emberthal Awaits              | FALSE      |
|    72712 | The Best We Have              | TRUE       |
|    72713 | Inheritance                   | TRUE       |
|    72545 | Creche Fallen                 | TRUE       |
|    73094 | Aiding the Expedition         | TRUE       |
|    72714 | An Interdisciplinary Approach | TRUE       |
|    72715 | Keeping the Flame at Bay      | TRUE       |
|    73137 | Chasing the Flame             | TRUE       |
|    72717 | A Creche Divided              | TRUE       |

Same here! It’s been bothering me for over a week now!


Same problem here… nothing else to do in there. Opened a ticket and no answer. Reload UI doesn’t fix it… leave area and come back: same… logout and back in: same.


Same issue here…


I’m having the same problem for a week now. This character is my main and the only character to reach Dragon Isles. To my knowledge, I did not use the skip, and in fact, I’ve cross-checked every quest in the series and I’ve completed all of them except this one.


Same problem here–it shows on the Reach map, but no quest giver is there.

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bumpo… any solution here? I have almost the same problem. I have done all the same quests above, i can see Viridia but she has no quest to give.

bump again for solution

BUMP… still happening for me here 2 months later.

Still happening several months later, when is this getting fixed?